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Cavity Filling Cost - Buyer Experiences and Price Information

Cavity Filling Comments

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Expensive Composite Filling
Amount: $480.00
Posted by: Okamoto
From: Torrance, CA
Posted On: February 25th, 2011 05:02PM
Type: Composite
Number of Surfaces: 1
Number of Cavities: 1
I had a cracked amalgam filling replaced with composite, Aetna PPO insurance only paid for $180, leaving me with $300 cost.
Judging by what people are saying here, they overcharged me, and insurance really didn't cover much at all.

Amount: $257.00
Posted by: a user in Stillwater, OK.Posted On: February 21st, 2011 08:02AM
Type: Amalgam
Number of Surfaces:
Number of Cavities: 2
I paid 67 dollars out of 257 with Delta Dental PPO.
Feels good. But I would like to have my teeth cleaned as well. Not done yet. Have to make another schedule

Amount: $3,386.00
Posted by: a user in las cruces, NM.Posted On: February 10th, 2011 11:02AM
Number of Surfaces: 1,2 &3
Number of Cavities: 16
Had 16 cavities in between my teeth due to years of acid reflux.Went to one dentist and was quoted $6095 and decided to get a second opinion new cost was $3,386 for the same work.

Amount: $100.00
Posted by: jay_girl
From: Anaheim, CA
Posted On: February 9th, 2011 03:02PM
Type: white filling
Number of Surfaces:
Number of Cavities: 1
Just got back from dentist i have 8 cavities could only afford to do 1 today.. since i dont have insurance they knocked down the price from 155 to 100... They charged me $25.00 for x-rays and teeth cleaning.. I feel i got a good deal .. just need to fix the other 7 now . Dentist Located in Anaheim 714-772-5656

Amount: $90.00
Posted by: Tikibluegurl
From: Long beach, CA
Posted On: January 21st, 2011 07:01PM
Type: White filling
Number of Surfaces:
Number of Cavities: 1
I went to the dentist to pay for my root canal and get my filling because it came off two month ago.. I went there thinking it was going to be 100+ after I was done it's cost 90 for the white filling and one X-ray.. :)

Feel ripped off
Amount: $575.00
Posted by: Cecilia Cooper
From: Atlanta, GA
Posted On: January 12th, 2011 07:01AM
Type: resin composite
Number of Surfaces:
Number of Cavities: 2
Dentist didn't give me any options or tell me that my insurance would cover less for composite filling.
Then, they tell me the whole charge is $575 and they'll run it through insurance. Guess what my post-insurance charge is? $575.

delta careUSA
Amount: $80.00
Posted by: mop213
From: bellflower, CA
Posted On: December 21st, 2010 05:12PM
Type: molar decay
Number of Surfaces: i dont know
Number of Cavities: 1
went to the dentist today and had a cavitiy on my molar. needed to grind basically the entire tooth down. looks like a normal tooth now! my HMO sucks! their telephone hotline is designed to hang up on you when you call them.

Went to dentist first time in my life :)
Amount: $400.00
Posted by: gav_sharma
From: sherman oaks, CA
Posted On: December 9th, 2010 05:12PM
Type: filling
Number of Surfaces: 1 and 2
Number of Cavities: 9
I feel bad for the dentist who cleaned my teeth. They were in pretty bad shape since I never went to dentist ever. I have had insurance for 5 yrs now but my teeth never bothered me and so I never bothered them :)
Anyways, I have Metlife Dental and went to in network doctor. It cos me out of pocket $406 for 9 fillings. 4 of them were 1 surface @ $34/filling and 5 of them were 2 surface @ $54/filling

Amalgum Filling
Amount: $108.00
Posted by: been there befor
From: Pensacola, FL
Posted On: December 9th, 2010 03:12PM
Type: Amalgum
Number of Surfaces: 2
Number of Cavities: 1
Dentist charged 108, but Delta Dental says they only allow 58, I guess the only problem here is that the insurance company seems to be seriously out of date with their allowances.

Amount: $457.50
Posted by: VCE
From: Santa Rosa, CA
Posted On: November 12th, 2010 10:11AM
Type: Molar Crown Porcelain/Ceramic
Number of Surfaces: 3/4
Number of Cavities: 1
Cracked/broken amalagam filling. Deemed restorative/cosmetic by Metlife PPO Insurance. Very disappointed at having to pay this cost, especially considering the health/safety concerns re: amalgam fillings.

Expensive Child Fillings
Amount: $550.00
Posted by: Gretchen
From: Arlington, TX
Posted On: October 29th, 2010 12:10PM
Type: amalgam
Number of Surfaces: 2 surfaces
Number of Cavities: 3
We have medical AND dental insurance (Met Life). After all was said and done, we owe almost $175 per filling. I don't understand how that could be. Why do I bother paying dental insurance? I have yet to find a SINGLE DENTAL INSURER who actually makes me feel safe getting dental work done.

5 crowns, 3 fillings
Amount: $3,777.00
Posted by: EricS
From: Huntsville, AL
Posted On: September 26th, 2010 07:09PM
Type: Major Work
Number of Surfaces: 8
Number of Cavities: 3
5 crowns @ $695/ea plus 3 fillings at different rates due to where they are. MetLife insurance pays $1000 per year (well $950 really after the $50 deductible). Subtract $237 for cleaning and x-rays and really I get 1 crown covered. I think I will cancel my insurance and go with a flexible spending account next year instead.

Amount: $295.00
Posted by: Overcharging?
From: San Francisco, CA
Posted On: September 18th, 2010 02:09PM
Type: composite resin
Number of Surfaces: 2
Number of Cavities: 1
Son had a groupon for xray & exam, was told he had one cavity. wants to charge $295! haven't decided yet. Think they want to make back what they lost on the groupon. Says it's a small cavity; he doesn't even feel anything yet.

a bunch a drilling and filling
Amount: $1,430.00
Posted by: one bummed nervous chick
From: st paul, MN
Posted On: August 21st, 2010 04:08PM
Type: resin composite
Number of Surfaces: 3,4,2,&2 surfaces
Number of Cavities: 3 with 2 filling replcmnts
No insurance on this one ! 8-( bit down to feel a sharp pain - xrays & exam revealed 2 cracked fillings w/ decay under the bigger deeper one , a 3 surf and a 4 surf and 2 new 2 surf cavities to add to the fun ! All molars and 4 different apts. Filling replacing took longest and didn't numb me nearly enough , not much tooth left- deep and big but unnoticed thanx to composites - lucky to avoid crowns on those 2 he said - finished the both 2 surf fillings on the 4th visit. Found a gentler dentist now , thank god ! Needed a root canal and crown last summer and a few more cavities this exam - :(

Composite fillings
Amount: $956.00
Posted by: Lenn
From: saint louis, MO
Posted On: August 3rd, 2010 12:08AM
Type: composite (teeth color)
Number of Surfaces: not sure
Number of Cavities: 4 cavities, all are between teeth.
I wasn't sure how much my dentist charges me per tooth. I saw on my treatment plans that I would have to pay $956 for four tooth. He said he found ONE cavity on each molars, and the cavity is located in between the tooth. I would have said it should be one surface, but it feels like I'm being charge for 3 since they have to drill out the other two to get to that particular cavity. =(

1st dentist visit in 9 yr, 8 cavities
Amount: $589.00
Posted by: needs to win the lotto to pay for dental work
From: Grand Rapids, MI
Posted On: May 12th, 2010 10:05AM
Type: resin
Number of Surfaces:
Number of Cavities: 8
I was just recently added to my husbands insurance and decided to visit the dentist. I was told I have 8 cavities that need to be filled. The insurance is covering a good portion but it's still going to cost me $289.80 for the 1st four and $299.20 for the last four. General cost per filling is $157!

Amount: $309.00
Posted by: WH
From: Saratoga, NY
Posted On: April 13th, 2010 07:04AM
Type: resin
Number of Surfaces: 3 and 2
Number of Cavities: 2
I have a cavity between teeth. Quoted me a 3 surf at 285 and a 2 surf at 239. After insurance I will have to pay $309. I thought this was high but based on everyone else's experience maybe not.

Amount: $275.00
Posted by: Joe m1chael
From: Medford, NJ
Posted On: March 23rd, 2010 03:03PM
Type: resin
Number of Surfaces: 3
Number of Cavities: 1
I am having this done by an experienced Dentist I have been going to since I was @ 6 years old.
I am 49. I would figure in how good your Dentist is as well.

molar fillings
Amount: $610.00
Posted by: p.o.'ed
From: Santa Barbara, CA
Posted On: March 11th, 2010 11:03PM
Number of Cavities: 2
Got ripped off in Santa Barbara. Clerk wouldn't tell me how much insurance was covering, said I had to pay $300 up front to cover what insurance wouldn't cover. I figured I should be getting most back like couple yrs ago for couple fillings. No. Got bill and dentist charged $315 and $295. After insurance, I end up paying $330???!!! What a rip. Can't assume things were like before when insurance covered everything. Should have asked dentist up front what costs were.

checkup, xray, filling
Amount: $465.00
Posted by: KatieKate
From: Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Posted On: January 26th, 2010 09:01AM
Number of Surfaces: 2
Number of Cavities: 2
Paid 125 for checkup and xray, then came back expecting to pay about 100 for the fillings like the last time. Nope, ended up being 340, so 465 in total. Not going back there! No insurance, bills and life to pay for. And the reason I made the dentist appointment was something else I thought was wrong that really wasn't. Could have saved by not going at all. (Sault Ontario, not MI... no Canadian provinces in the list)

3 Composite Fillings
Amount: $244.20
Posted by: UNK
From: Santa Clara, CA
Posted On: January 22nd, 2010 10:01AM
Type: Composite
Number of Surfaces: 3
Number of Cavities: 3
Had a bunch of dental work done when I was 18 including 3 root canals. Fear of dentist since then. I really should of learned my lesson and take better care of my teeth but then new cavities formed after not taking care of them for 10 years. Insurance paid 80% of my dental work.

Composite fillings: 1 new, 1 replacement
Amount: $595.00
Posted by: a user in New York, NY.Posted On: January 8th, 2010 09:01AM
Type: Composite
Number of Surfaces: 2
Number of Cavities: 2
I had a new cavity in a molar, dentist put in a composite filling for $220.00. He claimed that my amalgam (silver) filling that I had gotten years ago needed to be replaced, so he drilled it and replaced it with a composite for $275.00. Definitely feel bamboozled, as I went in for a cleaning and he rushed me through the fillings RIGHT AFTER, without really getting my consent.

resin composite 2 surface posterior
Amount: $315.00
Posted by: ia
From: Princeton, NJ
Posted On: December 19th, 2009 12:12PM
Type: a molar
Number of Surfaces: 2
Number of Cavities: one
Dentist' bill was $315 for resin composite-2 surfaces. Delta Dental PPO allowable allowance was $150 for comparable silver amalgam; so, I had to pay $235 to dentist: (50deductible, 20 copay, 165 white resin composite, not covered.)

composite filling
Amount: $300.00
Posted by: Tory
From: Westmont, IL
Posted On: December 11th, 2009 02:12AM
Number of Surfaces: one
Number of Cavities: one
Dentist said he gave me a discount. He took some x-rays, gave me an exam, and did a filling.

His office had two admin employees, one assistant, and one additional dentist.

91 year old mother
Amount: $536.00
Posted by: skg
From: Port Saint Lucie, FL
Posted On: November 1st, 2009 10:11AM
Type: front teeth
Number of Surfaces: 3
Number of Cavities: 2
my mother has $900 SS per month and luives in assisted living at $2300/month. I make up the differance. Now dentist wants $536 to fill two cavities.

Resin Composite- 2 surfaces Posterior
Amount: $210.00
Posted by: ChombaWomba
From: Virginia Beach, VA
Posted On: September 16th, 2009 05:09AM
Type: Composite
Number of Surfaces: 2
Number of Cavities: 1
Insurance paid $147.00. Total amount was $210.00. Tooth number 30. Amalgam would have been less. I have two insurances, one attached to my primary insurace and an add on secondary. I have spent $250.oo on the secondary so far and have spent $250.00 in dental charges. I did have a crown last year, but I think that I am about even in terms of insurance costs vs. payments.

cost of fillings
Amount: $370.00
Posted by: insurance-for what?
From: Aliso Viejo, CA
Posted On: August 21st, 2009 12:08PM
Type: white fillings
Number of Surfaces: 2
Number of Cavities: 2
Took my sons to the dentist and they each had one cavity which required filling. Even with insurance it was $185 per child. When I inquired as to what insurance paid, they said that the white fillings were not covered by insurance, but that they didn't even do silver fillings in the office. BUT-they submitted as silver fillings to the insurance which paid $110 which they said they passed the savings to us which meant that each filling was $295!!! I could not believe the cost even with insurance.

Filling Composite
Amount: $221.80
Posted by: 56rrt
From: Wadsworth, OH
Posted On: July 27th, 2009 02:07PM
Type: Filling Composite
Number of Surfaces: 2
Number of Cavities: 2
Cavities under two older mercury/silver fillings. Aetna insurance is not picking up much but... I am more than happy to get the mercury out of my mouth. Since they are pretty good size fillings I should cut my mercury exposure by about 1.8 micrograms/day. My old amalgam dentist actually freaked out when I inquired about replacing those very same 50% mercury amalgams with composites. I have two others that are going to get replaced here another month down the road. Not looking forward to the bill but I think it is worth it in my all around health. As I have found out cheap isnt always good for you.

Cost with Insurance
Amount: $110.00
Posted by: Dianna
From: Fort Worth, TX
Posted On: July 25th, 2009 11:07AM
Number of Cavities: one
I have CompDental through my employer (a school district). Their list of benefits says that each filling costs like $6. However, my dentist charges a $99 desensitizer fee per tooth. So, I need 4 fillings - close to $500 out of pocket for me even though I am esentially "covered" by insurance. This de-sensitizer is not a covered expense.

The Cost of afilling
Amount: $70.00
Posted by: Stacy Collons
From: Beaumont, TX
Posted On: July 20th, 2009 07:07PM
Type: remove old filling and replace new one
Number of Surfaces: 1
Number of Cavities: 0
I can not believe how much it cost just to fix a cracked filling. I CAN NOT AFFORD insurance so I have to pay the cash. I was so upset at the prices of these things. This was a very small crack in the filling.

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