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Health & Personal Care  > Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding Cost

How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost?

average cost Tooth-Colored Filling: $90-$450+
high cost Repairing Chipped Teeth or Filling Spaces: $100-$1,000 per tooth

In dental bonding, a tooth-colored resin (plastic) composite is applied to a tooth and hardened with an ultraviolet light or a laser, bonding the material to the tooth. Dental bonding is a relatively quick and easy procedure, and can be used for a tooth-colored filling in a decayed tooth or as a cosmetic process to improve the look of a discolored or chipped tooth, or to fill gaps between teeth.

Typical costs:

What should be included:

Related Costs: Cavity Filling, Dental Crown, Dental Veneers, Dental Bridge

Additional costs:
Shopping for dental bonding:
Material on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult your physician or pharmacist regarding medications or medical procedures.
What People Are Paying - Recent Comments Question about tiny repair of right front tooth
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: Kkelley1214
From: New Baltimore, MI
Posted On: September 17th, 2019 10:09PM
How much does anyone think it would cost to have a very small chip on the bottom right side of my front tooth. Just the corner of it. It's small but to me is very noticeable when I smell. It just looks odd. Will I have to get a full veneer for the entire tooth or are there cheaper options?

Amount: $2,000.00
Posted by: Saliou
From: Seattle, WA
Posted On: June 25th, 2019 09:06PM
Dentist: Any plan
Replace new tooth

Teeth new
Amount: $2,000.00
Posted by: Saliou kane
From: Seattle, WA
Posted On: February 2nd, 2017 05:02PM
Dentist: New teeth

Filling fell out, tooth is chipped
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: Justin Spagnola
From: Chicago, IL
Posted On: February 1st, 2016 10:02PM
Dentist: None
My tooth hurts a lot, it gets hot and is very sensitive, and its chipped and getting worse

broken molar repair
Amount: $200.00
Posted by: kim telfer
From: burleigh, Other
Posted On: December 14th, 2014 08:12PM
Dentist: totally teeth burleigh
Fitted me in straight away and said they would look after me.

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External Resources:
  1.  www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/dent...
  2.  www.webmd.com/oral-health/ss/slidesh...
  3.  www.colgate.com/app/CP/US/EN/OC/Info...
  4.  www.nidcr.nih.gov/oralhealth/popular...
  5.  www.ada.org/267.aspx
  6.  www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/find...
  7.  www.mouthhealthy.org/en/find-a-denti...
  8.  www.aacd.com/index.php?module=aacd.w...

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