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Health & Personal Care  > Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery Cost

How Much Does Orthognathic Surgery Cost?

average cost With Insurance: $100+ Copays and Coinsurance
high cost Without Insurance: $20,000-$40,000+

Orthognathic surgery involves operating on the upper or lower jaw, or both, to correct improperly positioned jaws that can cause problems eating, breathing or speaking, as well as pain or cosmetic issues.

Typical costs:

What should be included:

Related Costs: Braces, Full Mouth Reconstruction

Additional costs:
Shopping for orthognathic surgery:
Material on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult your physician or pharmacist regarding medications or medical procedures.
What People Are Paying - Recent Comments How much does BCBS cover for Orthognathic Surgery
Amount: $20,000.00
Posted by: BrianT
From: Billings, MT
Posted On: September 1st, 2023 01:09AM
Medical Center:
Insurance: BCBS
Tryin to find if anyone has dealt with BCBS for lower jaw surgery (underbite).

Double Orthognathic surgery
Amount: $60,000.00
Posted by: Renee Hicks
From: Plano, TX
Posted On: March 22nd, 2022 05:03AM
Medical Center: Medical City Plano
Insurance: Aetna
surgery was December 31, 2002. Took 2 doctors and 8 hours of surgery plus 3 nights in the hospital. Insurance covered the 60k for doctors and hospital stay and I only had to pay $2000.

Double Orthognathic Surgery
Amount: $56,000.00
Posted by: KRB
From: Spokane, WA
Posted On: March 23rd, 2016 12:03PM
Medical Center: Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
Insurance: Moda Health
Out of pocket cost: 56,000.00. Our insurance company has an exclusionary clause. The surgery was deemed cosmetic and our claim was denied. There were additional fees for orthodontic treatment.

Cost of surgery
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: Jaw Dad
From: Wexford, PA
Posted On: November 6th, 2015 04:11PM
Medical Center: UPMC
We are planning my daughter's surgery. Upper, lower, turbinectomy,genioglossus (codes 21141, 21196, 21199, 30130). Our insurance said won't cover. Hospital/doctor saying fee will be $200,000!!. Does that sound right?

Double Orthognathic Surgery
Amount: $140,000.00
Posted by: KO
From: Dallas, TX
Posted On: April 12th, 2015 07:04AM
Medical Center: Major Dallas Hospital
Our out of pocket cost with insurance was $9,000 but the total of all related costs was $140,000 (surgeon, 3 night hospital stay, etc.).

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External Resources:
  1.  www.aetna.com/cpb/medical/data/1_99/...
  2.  www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.p...
  3.  www.aaoms.org/jaw_surgery.php
  4.  www.aaoms.org/findoms.php
  5.  health.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/or...

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