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Health & Personal Care  > Apicoectomy

Apicoectomy Cost

How Much Does an Apicoectomy Cost?

average cost With Dental Insurance: $100-$500
high cost Without Dental Insurance: $900-$1,300+

Also called a root-end resection, an apicoectomy is the surgical removal of the root tip (called the apex) of an abscessed tooth, plus any surrounding infected tissue. The procedure is typically done after root canal treatment has failed and the tooth remains infected. An apicoectomy is often the last chance to avoid a tooth extraction.

Typical costs:

What should be included:

Related Costs: Dental X-Rays, Root Canal, Tooth Extraction, Dental Work

Additional costs:
Shopping for an apicoectomy:
Material on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult your physician or pharmacist regarding medications or medical procedures.
What People Are Paying - Recent Comments Apicoectomy
Amount: $450.00
Posted by: P_Pacific
From: Tijuana, BC, Other
Posted On: May 1st, 2019 02:05PM
I got a premolar apico (#4).
Work perfectly executed by a very professional surgeon in Tijuana, BC, Mexico.
I saved ~$1,500 vs the same treatment in Southern California.

Amount: $434.00
Posted by: Allyse
From: Chesterfield, MI
Posted On: October 9th, 2017 10:10AM
Dentist/Oral Surgeon: Dentist
I needed an apicoectomy on one of my two front teeth. I went to an endodontist who quoted me $1,100 out of pocket with insurance. My dentist told me he could do the exact same procedure for $434 out of pocket with insurance. Guess which one I went with.

Amount: $1,420.00
Posted by: Julie v.
From: Salt Lake City, UT
Posted On: April 4th, 2017 02:04AM
Was quoted this amount for apicoectomy on 2nd molar without insurance.

Amount: $4,000.00
Posted by: Ocerchar
From: Wash. DC, Other
Posted On: July 18th, 2016 01:07PM
Dentist/Oral Surgeon: David Melrod

Amount: $2,400.00
Posted by: Best Wishes
From: San Jose, CA
Posted On: July 15th, 2015 10:07AM
Dentist/Oral Surgeon: Endodontist
I was quoted $2400 for an Apicoectomy on a molar (3 roots). An apicoectomy (end root fill) on a tooth with only 1 or 2 roots would be less. The price shown is w/o insurance. If you belong to a Discount Dental plan and your endo accepts it; you can save $800.

if the infection is clear from the PRE-apicoectomy antibiotics, do i still need the procedure
Amount: $2,895.00
Posted by: sue bartush
From: troy, MI
Posted On: June 28th, 2013 03:06PM
i need to know if i the pain from infection comes back, even tho i have already started the antibiotic.......my surgery is next week

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External Resources:
  1.  www.simplestepsdental.com/SS/ihtSS/r...
  2.  www.whitemountainoms.com/surgical_in...
  3.  www.ada.org/sections/educationAndCar...
  4.  www.ada.org/statelocalorg.aspx
  5.  www.aae.org/
  6.  www.aaoms.org/findoms.php
  7.  www.mouthhealthy.org/en/find-a-denti...

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