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Health & Personal Care  > Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers Cost

How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost?

average cost Porcelain Veneers: $500-$1,100 per tooth
high cost Lumineers: $500-$1,300 Per Tooth

Dental veneers are wafer-thin, tooth-colored shells that are bonded to the front of a tooth to improve its appearance by adjusting its size, color, shape or length.

Typical costs:

What should be included:

Related Costs: Dental Implants, Dental Crown, Braces, Gum Repair

Additional costs:
Shopping for dental veneers:
Material on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult your physician or pharmacist regarding medications or medical procedures.
What People Are Paying - Recent Comments My Experience With Dental Veneers
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: Charles Dickson
From: Gaothersburg, MD
Posted On: February 22nd, 2018 03:02PM
Type of Veneer: N/A
I really don`t have any experience with Dental Veneers. Even, if I am recommended for one, I can`t afford it. It looks very white and healthy on those who wear them. Maybe, if I win PCH GWY 1100 $5,000.00 A Week Forever, I will consider going for it.

Amount: $0.00
Posted by: pasquale
From: Rio, Other
Posted On: November 19th, 2017 10:11AM
Type of Veneer: 0
Are dentist controlled by the Mob. The prices for these veneers is ridiculous. I guess I will take a vacation out of the country again to get my dental work done. In 2009 I was given estimates of $8,000, $12,000, & $18,000 for dental work. I went to Brasil and had it all done for $2,200 and it seems even worse these days.

10 years and doing great
Amount: $6,000.00
Posted by: Drew Maz
From: Cleveland, OH
Posted On: November 14th, 2016 03:11PM
Type of Veneer: Lumineers
When I was 15, my mother pressured the hell out of me to get braces because I had teeth like Kirsten Dunst. I had no motivation to wear the retainers afterward, and my teeth shifted back by time I was 20.
A few years later, I found a dentist who specialized in doing Lumineers. The preparation was very minimal and totally painless, and my teeth looked the same before the prep as they did afterward.
Six weeks later, I got the veneers put on (8 on the top), and my teeth looked perfectly straight. I asked the dentist to alter them to look more like my original teeth, introducing some of the flaws so they would look more natural.
10 years later, they are in perfect condition and will probably last me the rest of my life. My father got veneers 25 years ago, and they are also still in perfect condition.
The key is that you have to find a cosmetic dentist who SPECIALIZES in veneers (as in, that is their main business). NOT a general dentist who does veneers on the side.

Cosmetic Dentist? Or cavity filler dabbling in veneers?
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: msw
From: Green Bay, MN
Posted On: November 14th, 2016 04:11AM
Not 1 post here indicates whether or not the patient went to a cosmetic dentist or just a regular dentist. That would sure be helpful as there are many dentists who are NOT really experienced and are just doing veneers as another mini profit center besides filling cavities and putting on crowns. Give more information posters exactly who is doing the work... general dentists or a "cosmetic" dentist. P.S My wife had veneers placed on 8 top teeth 28 years ago when they were just introduced to the main stream and never ever had a single problem. 28 years! The dentist that did it was NOT a cosmetic dentist in Green Bay BUT actually had a person from the manufacturer walking him through each step of the process to completion.

Discolored and Ugly after 5 years
Amount: $10,000.00
Posted by: min
From: New York, NY
Posted On: April 29th, 2016 07:04AM
Type of Veneer: Porcelain
My teeth were cracked and gray so I was excited to get 6 front veneers. Over 5 yrs, they kept breaking and I paid $1500.00 each time I finally paid $400 for a night guard so I'd stop grinding and breaking. Anyway, Im back to smiling with my mouth closed- they are a yellowish grey now. I thought veneers dont discolor. anyway, the ugly teeth are the first thing I see in photos. I should have just kept my old teeth and not smiled- these are hideous and I can't afford new ones

Veneers can last a long time and are amazing
Amount: $18,000.00
Posted by: Asa
From: new york, NY
Posted On: April 26th, 2016 09:04PM
Type of Veneer: Lumineers
Got Lumineers nearly 18 years ago.
They are all in perfect shape.
The only issue I have is where someone knocked me in my front tooth a couple years ago.
Tiny chip but I will have to have both front teeth done.
But 2k after 18 years isn't that bad.

Amount: $2,000.00
Posted by: Jennlovesherteeth
From: Bangkok, Other
Posted On: March 7th, 2015 08:03AM
Type of Veneer: Porcelain
Had a wonderful experience with mine. Had them done in Thailand and not a single regret since. Constant compliments on how white my teeth look.

costs of dental veneers
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: CTCarol
From: Southport, NC
Posted On: October 24th, 2014 10:10AM
I am so appalled by the comments posted here that I have decided NOT to have veneers put on!! Thank you to all the people who have posted comments here and saved me about $8000.

Amount: $10,000.00
Posted by: ruth traci
From: Lafayette, CA
Posted On: September 21st, 2014 03:09PM
Type of Veneer: 30 yrs ago
Was told by a dentist that veneers need replacing every 10 yrs as he preceeded to file my front teeth? He thought they were too long? He chipped one off? Then had major fall chipped front tooth? Have been told in order to retain the look need to replace 7 front teeth 2 dentist insist crowns since veneers will not last?? My veneers although very sensitive mouth for about 6 months NEVER CHIPPED NEVER CAME OFF I Can not believe what I am reading here obviously there is a big difference in qualified dentist so sorry that I am no longer in area of the dentist that did my veneers! Mine lasted? 30 yrs!! This person if not retired use to be in Lafayette; california name is Dr. Selleck one should be able to trust a dentist

Amount: $14,000.00
Posted by: skrupa
From: monmouth jct, NJ
Posted On: August 13th, 2014 02:08AM
Type of Veneer: porcelains
had top 8 done and bottom 6...grinded to smallpegs., temporarys than finale job two weeks later. was told all porcelain, and now black is showing on rim on tops of porcelains, leadingme to believe they are porcelain on metal..anyway, after one year, one chipped while eating doritos, had tooth replaced under 5 yr warranty. than 3 to 5 yrs later bottom gums receided and regular filling was put in the spaces that did not match lumineer, they are yellowed now in those spots. disappointed ..but they still look better than I had. had them down in 2006, still look ok. they do yellow despite what they tell you., like a porcelain sink yellows, so do the teeth...start with pure bright as snow white...cause now they are just regular tooth color.

Amount: $4,000.00
Posted by: a user in Washington, DC.Posted On: July 18th, 2014 01:07AM
Type of Veneer: Lumineer
I am satisfied with the 4 i have had Done top up front would like an additional 6 done ASAP and I'm in dc area, by a reputable dentist obviously. Any suggestions?

Ready made veneers in different sizes
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: Elmansoury
From: Cairo, CA
Posted On: June 3rd, 2014 05:06PM
Type of Veneer: -
Why manufacturers does not sell a pieces of veneers in different sizes, same as the transparent crowns.
I think it will be a good idea if it done with appropriate hard glue.
Good luck

Think Twice Before Getting Veneers...
Amount: $14,000.00
Posted by: Jenna C.
From: Stratford, CT
Posted On: February 14th, 2014 04:02PM
Type of Veneer: Porcelain
I had my first set of porcelain veneers done 14 years ago to close the gap in my front teeth (the front four teeth were done to look proportioned). They only lasted 3 years, looked very unnatural and kept popping off or tearing/cracking, each time needing replacement. I had a second set done ten years ago by a more qualified LVI specialist who made them look beautiful but a few have popped off twice. Now I'll require a third set to replace all four front veneers again and the money just keeps adding up. My teeth have been shaved down to the point that I'll need dental implants the next time around since I'll have nothing left. Although I love the look of my veneers, I have been forced to be extra cautious and never bite into foods, I cut everything into pieces and gently chew. I live in constant fear of the next time I'll lose a tooth while I'm eating. I would not advise this cosmetic procedure unless you're willing to take many chances on what can and will go wrong and you have the means to keep paying the never ending bills for the rest of your life. Once you do this procedure, there is no going back...

I don\'t recommend veneers!
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: Dawnseve
From: Harrisburg, PA
Posted On: July 29th, 2013 04:07PM
Type of Veneer: Porcelain
I had my 4 front teeth done with porcelain veneers due to issues I was having with my teeth. The first entire set were not made correctly and all of them broke! I had to have them all replaced. Since the dentist has to basically shave/file almost all of the teeth for veneers, u can never go back to ur normal teeth. Over this past 2 yrs of having them, they have continuously cracked, broken, you name it. At this moment one is chipped bad and needs repaired. The problem is, all they can do is use the strongest bonding material , as they always use, on my teeth to fix them n build them back up. The problem there is it breaks right off. I am on a first name basis with the entire 3 dentist practice including all of the staff for being in there so often for these damn things breaking. I may have to see how much it'll cost me to get this broken one replaced by a new veneer bc no matter how many times they fix it with the strongest stuff avail, it keeps breaking. I'm so regretting getting them

veneers are not all they are cracked up to be
Amount: $20,000.00
Posted by: Veneer Truth
From: Cincinnati, OH
Posted On: December 12th, 2012 06:12PM
Type of Veneer: Lumineers
I went to a dentist to get two veneers, I was told I needed to do 8 to have a better color match. I was told they would shave a small amount from the front of my teeth. I was told veneers are like a contact lens for the tooth. The dentist shaved my teeth down to half their original length. Then placed veneers that were 20% longer than my original teeth. The front left veneer had a black spot (blood behind the veneer) the front right was too short at the gum. Day two 1 veneer cracked off, day four, two more cracked off. I got 4 second opinions. I then discovered that there are many different materials used to make the veneers. There are also several different techniques. The new dentist required me to get 10 veneers and get lingual braces on my bottom teeth. Turns out that my bottom teeth needed to be brought back so they wouldnt hit my top veneers. This process started 2 years ago. I still have braces. Two years and 20K. DONT DO IT!!!

Veneers keep breaking and falling out.....what a mess!
Amount: $6,500.00
Posted by: Errol M. Dickson
From: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Posted On: April 12th, 2012 07:04AM
Type of Veneer: Porcelain
Veneers keep-on falling out! At least 10 return visits in the past six months. For example, one veneer fell out within 6 weeks after completion. Went back to have a new impression made in the interim week one more fell out and one cracked in half. New impressions for those 2 were made and then a new appointment to have all 3 fitted at the same time.In another instance the bottom veneer left side fell out and a new mold was made and the veneer was fitted. Two days later the veneer fell out again. New impresion was made. The dental office lost the veneer. Another impression was made. And another appointment for the fitting. So far so good, for 5 days! Which one is going to fall out or break next?. What a horrific waste of time and money for these veneers! I eat no chicken/steak /rib bones. I eat mainly spaghetti/rice/cheese and soft foods that don't require excess chewing. Of course I brush and gargle 2 to 3 times a day and do not participate in contact sports and I am a non-smoker.On a scale of 1 to 10....10 for dental patient disgust and 1 for dentist competency.

night grinder and nail biter
Amount: $2,000.00
Posted by: june
From: Orlando, FL
Posted On: December 7th, 2011 06:12PM
Type of Veneer: unsure
My veneers were done awhile ago. I would recommend looking into crown lengthening plus whitening first before considering veneers. With veneers you must replace them every 10 years or so and your real teeth are permanently shaved down underneath so you can never go back to your real teeth again. Definitely find a way to have them paid for with a medical necessity, not only will this save you money now but also when you have to replace them down the road.

Shifting of the Lumineers
Amount: $6,000.00
Posted by: MarleneM
From: Tijuana, Other
Posted On: July 2nd, 2011 05:07PM
Type of Veneer: Lumineer
I had Lumineers placed on my upper 6 front teeth...the two right in front are now spreading and leaving a gap in between the teeth... the lumineers are also loose....I have lost the natural teeth on each side of the lumineers,,,,is the lack of natural teeth the cause of the shifting of the Lumineers?
I just last week had dental implants placed on two teeth, have to wait 6 months and then go back to have the false teeth placedd on the implants....will placing the false teeth on each side of the Lumineers assist with the stopping of the shifting???
I just dont wish to make wrong decisions

Lumineers CAN require quite a bit of filing and DO break!
Amount: $1,600.00
Posted by: melc
From: menifee, CA
Posted On: February 15th, 2011 06:02PM
Type of Veneer: Lumineer
I had my four front teeth done thinking it would be a quick and painless way to fix my gaps before my wedding. The dentist ended up filing quite a bit of my front down I managed to get through the pain without pain meds but then 2 months after my wedding one broke my dentist replaced it for free but the pain of him having to refile was almost unbearable. Then here I am 2 years later with the front one broken once again! I have no clue what caused either break but am highly disappointed. Thinking I should've sucked it up and gone with veneers. Also because of the filing I wouldn't dare remove the lumineers without replacing them with something else.

veneer's keep breaking
Amount: $8,000.00
Posted by: broken
From: new york, NY
Posted On: December 30th, 2010 04:12AM
I have had two veneer's break in the four years I have had them. Is this normal? What causes this?

Lots of complications but still happy with decision
Amount: $3,000.00
Posted by: clfrnblnd4
From: Santa Clara, CA
Posted On: September 21st, 2010 12:09PM
I had my front four teeth done to get rid of a gap between them. I absolutely love them HOWEVER, I have had to replace them, in the course of two years because my gums basically rejected them. My dentist has told me this is very hard to foresee into the future (as veneers should last you at least ten years). After my 3000 cost, I have spent another 1200 probably on the replacements, insurance did not cover any of it. I also spent over $1000 seeing specialists to have gum surgery. Through all that, i still recommend it as I actually like my smile now, for me it was definitely a self confidence issue. Just remember that its still a serious proceedure and unexpected things can always happen.
This is a permenent decision, you cannot really get rid of veneers once you have put them on as they have to shave down your teeth and it removed enamel.

Can we remove Lumineers after being glued
Amount: $700.00
Posted by: Rosalina
From: San Francesco, CA
Posted On: April 14th, 2010 02:04AM
Type of Veneer: Lumineers
I had two lumineers to my two front teeth (upper central incisors) to fill in a gap between them. at first the dentist took the measurements they came back saying i have heavy broxizim, so he grinded them from the front and also the lower central incisors (as a result my teeth could not close properly at that time). When the two teeth came he tried both one fit the other did not. so he glued one and then took the measurements again and ordered the 2nd. When it came it did not fit well but he glued it anyway ignoring this. so a gap between my tooth and the lumineer was created. I am not satisfied with the result and I want to know if I can remove them.
Thank you for your help

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External Resources:
  1.  www.lumineers.com/what-are-lumineers
  2.  www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/veneers
  3.  www.ada.org/267.aspx
  4.  www.nidcr.nih.gov/oralhealth/popular...
  5.  www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/find...
  6.  www.mouthhealthy.org/en/find-a-denti...
  7.  www.aacd.com/index.php?module=aacd.w...
  8.  www.lumineers.com/

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