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Health & Personal Care  > Root Canal

Root Canal Cost

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

low cost Front Tooth: $300-$1,500
average cost Bicuspid: $400-$1,800
high cost Molar: $500-$2,000

Root canal therapy involves the soft inner core of a tooth, called the pulp. Running like a thread from near the top of the tooth down through its root, the pulp provides the tooth with nutrients and nerves. If the pulp is diseased or injured, the pulp tissue dies. Without treatment, the surrounding tissue becomes infected and abscesses can form.

Typical costs:

What should be included:

Related Costs: Dental Crown, Dental Implants, Dental Veneers, Tooth Extraction, Teeth Cleaning

Additional costs:
Shopping for a root canal:
Material on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult your physician or pharmacist regarding medications or medical procedures.
What People Are Paying - Recent Comments
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Root canal and extraction
Amount: $3,600.00
Posted by: Brandon Conley
From: Ball Ground, GA
Posted On: September 26th, 2023 07:09AM
Which Tooth: Wisdom and molar
Practitioner: Coal mountain dental
Glad to see I was completely ripped off. I paid $3600 for extraction of 1 wisdom tooth (came out with no issue) and a root canal with porcelain crown. She also wanted to charge me $1300 for a filling on another molar. That's what everyone else is paying for a root canal

Full Cost of Molar Root Canal
Amount: $1,119.00
Posted by: a user in Mifflinburg, PA.Posted On: July 28th, 2021 06:07AM
Which Tooth: 18
Practitioner: Central PA Endodontics
Total cost of my root canal was $1119, which quite surprised me, so I am glad to find this site to compare prices, and it no longer seems so outrageous, especially because mine was a challenging case and lengthy with (I think) all 4 roots performed. I think because I had no idea exactly what would be performed and no idea of the cost. The bill is not itemized and only lists the full amount. Unfortunately, there is such a lack of dental care and appointment options in my area that I really couldn't shop around. Insurance covered a portion, but this is root canal only and not follow up with my dentist for crown. However, I know that the procedure was done well and have confidence in the work. Hope this info helps someone else as everyone else's has helped me. Best wishes for your dental health! Thanks!

root canal bicuspid with drilling through crown
Amount: $868.00
Posted by: ECF
From: pittsburgh, PA
Posted On: July 8th, 2021 06:07PM
Which Tooth: #29
Practitioner: innovative endodontics
995 + fil 25 + consultation 65= 1085
Smile program discount 217
cost $868

free dental work and federal community health centers
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: ED NYC
Posted On: July 11th, 2019 10:07AM
There are over 250 federal community health centers and all do dental work and basic primary
medical care for free or at very low cost.
I have been using a federal community health center for 4 years.
The first year I paid $500 for 2 root canals.
For the last 4 years I have paid nothing!!!
(obama care). All fees are what you can afford
so bring your tax return and that is used to set
your fees. If you have insurance they will charge your insurance co. Shop around for the
center that offers the most services, so just do

cash price root canal for molar
Amount: $1,300.00
Posted by: Adopted Buckeye
From: Toledo, OH
Posted On: March 6th, 2019 04:03AM
Which Tooth: molar
Price was for an x-ray and root canal only. Spent another $200 at my regular dentist to place permanent filling

How do you know you need a 2nd root canal 20 years later?
Amount: $1,400.00
Posted by: SeekingAnswers
From: Murrieta, CA
Posted On: October 15th, 2017 11:10AM
Which Tooth: Wisdom tooth on lower right
Practitioner: Andy Endodontist
The crowned twice and RCed tooth (20 years ago) began to feel high. It was hard to chew on it. Was sent to Endodontist who took X-rays and panoramic X-rays. Tooth looked OK to me. He filed down high spots on tooth. Said he would do 2nd root canal, even though it looked OK. No guarantee it would stop irritation in tooth. Charged me $280 for X-rays I went home w/o $1400 root canal. Other experiences?

Root Canal
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: Will82
From: Charleston, MO
Posted On: August 11th, 2017 11:08AM
Which Tooth: Rear upper molar
Spent nothing and got appointment in 2 hours at one of the top endodontist in Charleston SC. Very surprised since I'm in the military.

Mom's Root Canal
Amount: $1,100.00
Posted by: Jay Michael
From: Livonia, MI
Posted On: April 15th, 2017 08:04AM
Which Tooth: Not Sure
Mom has no dental insurance, so pays "cash" to her dentist for each visit. She recently had to have a root canal re-done...and as a "Cash Payor" here bill was $1100. Just wondering what the total allowed cost would have been, had she had insurance. Normally Ins Companies make the dentist accept what they will pay. Just wondering if my Mom is being "over charged" because she is a cash customer

Mom's Root Canal
Amount: $1,100.00
Posted by: Jay Michael
From: Livon, MI
Posted On: April 15th, 2017 08:04AM
Which Tooth: Not Sure
Mom has no dental insurance, so pays "cash" to her dentist for each visit. She recently had to have a root canal re-done...and as a "Cash Payor" here bill was $1100. Just wondering what the total allowed cost would have been, had she had insurance. Normally Ins Companies make the dentist accept what they will pay. Just wondering if my Mom is being "over charged" because she is a cash customer

root canal
Amount: $52.00
Posted by: Sherry Powell
From: Marietta, GA
Posted On: April 7th, 2017 05:04AM
Which Tooth: 41 (bottom rt molar
Practitioner: coastal dental
to Dentist, had xrays, not digital told I needed root canal. Was quoted 2300 for root canal. Was in considerable pain. Referred to their endodonist, but couldn't get to me for 10 days. Dentist gave me 10 pills of Tramadol. No antibiotics. Waiting 10 days so long in pain, I asked if anyone could see me sooner. No, but they called another they sometime worked with, & they couldn't see me any sooner except for a consult of $125.00 I could get the next day, but no root canal work any sooner then 10 days!. So, I left dentist with less $ in my pocket with only 10 pain pills & left to find another endodonist. No follow-thru for their patient, but they were paid for what service they did provide. I am now out trying to get quickly to an endodonist.

Root canal
Amount: $1,295.00
Posted by: Jandy
From: Port Saint Lucie, FL
Posted On: February 21st, 2017 12:02PM
Which Tooth: Upper bicuspid
Practitioner: Endodontist and DMD
Referred by my DMD to an edodontist who charged me $1100. Left with a temporary filling. Returned to DMD to change temp. to permanent. DMD charged me another $195. Why?!
Dental repair is outrageously costly. Whatever happened to senior discounts, fairness to those who struggle. A statement, not a question.

Root canal
Amount: $1,372.00
Posted by: Robert Fox
From: Brentwood, TN
Posted On: February 10th, 2017 03:02PM
Which Tooth: Bicuspid
Practitioner: Dr. Hicks
Very professional. Took about 45 minutes. Some pain as he approached root but additional aenesthetic took care of it.. seems very expensive to me. Took about 45 minutes.. he must make a boatload of $$!

Root Canal
Amount: $67.00
Posted by: Kammy
From: Anchorage, AK
Posted On: January 13th, 2017 10:01AM
Which Tooth: bottom back tooth
Practitioner: Glacier Dental, Anchorage, AK
I was in the Army and they give me a filling on the top of the cavities. 3 years later my tooth started to hurts. Went to Glacier Dental got a root canal and Dentist found cavities under the tooth, of course. Luckily I had 2 insurance. I end up paying $67 out of pocket. The staff is so nice. I was there about 2 1/2 hours on January 2017.

root canal and porcelian ceramic crown
Amount: $2,034.00
Posted by: a user in Scottsdale, AZ.Posted On: August 1st, 2016 11:08AM
Which Tooth: 20
Practitioner: Sid Stevens
First started with a check up at another dentist who reported a cavity. Had that filled for $285.00. Within a few days started to pain. Was not satisfied with practitioner so went to Dr. Stevens who performed root canal $699 with crown and build up $1335. Not happy about the prior dentist's findings or this outcome since no cavity on #20 reported a few months prior at a cleaning. The dental industry is way out of control in pricing. In an industry where persons should want to help people have a good bite in order to sustain eating and a healthy smile, this is often not the case. Kudos to other geographic locations where pricing is reasonable. Sad to say that I have spent thousands in the past trying to save a tooth, only to lose it a few years later. Nothing like throwing money away especially when you are not a person who can afford to do that.

Root Canal & Crown Placement w/ no insurance
Amount: $1,650.00
Posted by: In pain.
From: Lantana, FL
Posted On: June 8th, 2016 09:06AM
Which Tooth: #14
Practitioner: Healthy Smiles
Phase 1: Root canal $800.
Phase 2: Crown buildup $150.
Phase 2: Crown porcelain $700.

Drilled Through Crown
Amount: $1,000.00
Posted by: MattM
From: Omaha, NE
Posted On: March 22nd, 2016 06:03AM
Which Tooth: Just behind upper left canine
Drilled through the crown to redo root canal due to last bit of root apparently wasn't cleared in previous root canal 10 years ago. Procedure was fine. Cost was ridiculous, then, before I could get in to get a permanent filling in the crown, the crown broke! Now I get to pay for another crown. Dental insurance maxed out with a single tooth due to earlier procedure done incorrectly and oral surgeon that broke existing crown.

non performace fees if endodontist declines to do the job
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: root canal non performance fee question
From: vermont, VT
Posted On: February 20th, 2016 09:02AM
the endondontist specialist group here has few choices. Both of them charge hefty fee $500 if after consultation the specialist declines or thinks he/she cannot complete the procedure! has anyone run into this or does it just occur to non insured people? where does this leave the patient? I was told: you can usually make an appt at an oral surgeon for an extraction, but not there of course. more money for a dentist. shouldn't this be illegal? however, general traditional dentists here do not charge a non completion fee. The dentist specialty racket should be required to post fees. Even a local garage will do that. vermont.

Root Canlal mid molar
Amount: $2,250.00
Posted by: Ohio dude
From: Columbus, OH
Posted On: January 26th, 2016 10:01AM
Which Tooth: mid molar
Practitioner: Oak Creek Dental Ohio
$2250 with insurance paying $750. The tooth already had one root canal but it got an infection so they want to do another one. I'm wondering if extraction would be better. I'm over 60.

Root Canal in CA -not done obtaining quotes
Amount: $3,000.00
Posted by: BUR
From: West Covina, CA
Posted On: January 7th, 2016 04:01AM
Which Tooth: Molar
Practitioner: Newport Dentistry 2016
They offered no discount for paying cash. I also asked for a quote dentures , root canal and repair (cosmetically ) two front teeth . They asked for 13,000. Dentures NOT dental implants

Root canal
Amount: $846.00
Posted by: LiSA Roy
From: Houston, TX
Posted On: December 11th, 2015 07:12AM
Which Tooth: Mid Mouth tooth
Practitioner: Endonotics
I paid out of pocket after insurance 846.00, now I was told the bone crack completely, so I had to have emergency extractions. I was told I would receive a refund since the root canal was incomplete. How much is the average cost of an incomplete root canal

root canal for 1 tooth #30 2 roots
Amount: $160.00
Posted by: Mr. Ed
From: Ponta de Lagado, Other
Posted On: November 20th, 2015 03:11AM
Which Tooth: 30
Practitioner: CSG dental Clinic
Just had this done yesterday, in PDL Azores. This place is top notch.(much better than the dentists I've seen in Boston) The dentist spent 1 hour removing the roots cost including 4 or 5x-rays to make sure the entire roots were removed. I'm from Boston Massachusetts where cost would have been about $1,000. I week before ths visit, i had an initial consult and cavity filled for $55.

root canal through crown
Amount: $2,300.00
Posted by: David Rodriguez
From: San Luis Obispo, CA
Posted On: November 19th, 2015 09:11PM
Which Tooth: #14
Practitioner: Lloyd marcum
Expensive for one hour of work.

Very expensive
Amount: $3,088.00
Posted by: nongnuj somvong
From: Falls Church, VA
Posted On: September 12th, 2015 06:09PM
Which Tooth: #15 and #19
Practitioner: Dr. David Palmieri,Virginia
Very expensive, they didn't want to tell you the price before start to do root canal. It took 30 mins. and cost so much. Matter of fact he had done the wrong tooth. The Universal number that referring to particular teeth doesn't mean anything if that doctor in hurry or greedy or didn't pay attention about what did he see in Ex-ray. General dentist referred to have # 15 and # 19 for root canal. I don't know what number he did but it was not the one that I have pain and General dentist told me that one must have root canal. After I had root canal , I still num all over until after 6 hours I just noticed that he had done root canal to the wrong teeth. I called doctor that had done root canal he said that was the right number. I don't care about the number but the tooth that I had problem still untouch and they didn't want to admitted that was wrong tooth they just said # 19, of course in the paper said # 19 but he actaully did root canal on another tooth. very funny and pity.

Upper Pre-Molar Root Canal: My Very First!
Amount: $393.90
Posted by: Ann H.
From: Santa Clarita, CA
Posted On: September 1st, 2015 01:09PM
Which Tooth: PreMolar Bicuspid-Upper
Practitioner: General Dentist
Only one root on this upper tooth so fee was $798 plus $165 for the filling. It was the most simple RC type they said. (This tooth already has a crown so it was drilled into and then resealed) Insurance covered 558.60 for root canal and 115.50 for filling (filling is a separate cost). My share was 30% since this dentist is not in my PPO. He was quick, efficient, and the RC was painless including the injections. RC was performed yesterday at 5:00 p.m. and this morning I felt fantastic. (The dental office phoned me this morning to see how I was doing, and this is a new dentist.) I took 2 ibuprofen before I left the dentist office for impending soreness. Never needed the pain meds prescription they gave me. My cheek area was still numb at 9:00 p.m. yesterday. But I was still able to eat dinner and some tortilla chips!

Anxiety Gone
Amount: $2,106.00
Posted by: Anxiety Gone
From: Manhattan Beach, CA
Posted On: August 5th, 2015 04:08PM
Which Tooth: #6 and #9
Practitioner: Manhattan Dental Esthetics
I had two root canals done. Each one costs $1425 (root canal $1195 and $230 for the buildup). My insurance paid 60% because the office is not part of the "network." However, I only had $744 remaining of my $1000/year insurance. I will go back in a few weeks to add more injury to my wallet when I get the crowns. The crowns for each tooth will cost $1800. That's a total of $3225 per tooth. The procedure was surprisingly painless and even pleasant. The dentist was very gentle and talked the whole time to his assistant about what he was doing next. He made sure I was completely numb before proceeding. I was happy that my veneers on the teeth were left intact.

root canal
Amount: $1,500.00
Posted by: Herb
From: Natick, MA
Posted On: June 6th, 2015 03:06AM
Which Tooth: 15
Practitioner: Wellesley Endodontics
Paid $1,500! for the root canal on tooth 15 and just got estimate from my dentist for another $2.000 for the Crowne which is another 2 visits + another bill for the initial X-ray. I live in Massachusetts but now may want to move to another state over oversea just to get a fair price

Amount: $276.00
Posted by: KaiKai's Mom
From: Kailua, O'ahu, HI
Posted On: June 2nd, 2015 01:06AM
Which Tooth: 14-Left Upper back molar
Practitioner: Dr. Aime Kim
With insurance cost me $276 I was not happy paying it, but after reading about the other costs, guess it wasn't to bad. Procedure was long...more complex then initially thought, it was uncomfortable but bearable. Endo was personable and caring...highly touted in my area for being THE place to get quality root canals! Lol! Next is a crown...my dental office quoted around $600-$800...WITH insurance. This is new insurance and I have a year wait period which sucks for the crown. I paid about $170 for a composite (temporary) restoration to the tooth and I hope I save enough for it by then. I also need a dental implant on one of my lower molars, but I think I'll opt for the bridge...if I barely have enough for the crown, I sure won't have enough for the implant over $2000 with insurance.

Only Root Canal-Bicuspid
Amount: $1,089.00
Posted by: Chief
From: Moreno Valley, CA
Posted On: March 18th, 2015 12:03PM
Which Tooth: #21
Practitioner: Moreno Valley Endodontics
Split root was a little longer than most but only took 90 mins. Painless and simple.

Root Canal Cost
Amount: $995.00
Posted by: Little insurance
From: Sheldon, IA
Posted On: March 17th, 2015 11:03AM
Which Tooth: back molar
Practitioner: Sheldon Family Dental Clinic
The procedure itself wasn't horrible, really no pain..took about 90 minutes. I do think the cost is a little high...don't have good insurance. $500 maximum per year and I've already had my checkout come out of that. With the crown, I'm guessing I'll easily have about $1200 out of pocket expense. My tooth wasn't infected...lost the crown with too much tooth attached. Other than pulling the tooth, you really have little choice. Wish dental procedures were included with medical insurance

Root canal and crown back molar
Amount: $130.00
Posted by: Belinda
From: mt. kisco, NY
Posted On: February 19th, 2015 12:02PM
Which Tooth: 18
I just had a root canal. Out of pocket I paid $130 for the procedure and $640 for the crown.

Root Canal Costs
Amount: $0.00
Posted by: mimi1964
From: cullman, AL
Posted On: February 16th, 2015 01:02PM
Which Tooth: #14
I haven't had my root canal yet but I'm going tomorrow at 9:00a.m. As for people complaining about the high cost they have a right to complain. I believe that dentist and doctors far too often charge an outlandish price for what they do. Yes, the cost of living has gone up, while the quality of things remains the same. IE... gas is still made like it was 20 yrs. ago, however we pay far more for it. Quiet a ridiculous amount and it doesn't take any more people to produce said gas than it did 20 yrs. ago. Point taken. People raise prices to pad there pockets but the fact remains you can not take money with you when you leave this old world. It is left here to pay your bills or to your family. So case in point why drive up prices so high that insurance companies do not cover all the cost of the procedure. And yes I can say these things... I am a nurse who hasn't had a raise in over 3 yrs. quiet sad isn't it. I take care of people like you every day.

root canal through crown
Amount: $1,850.00
Posted by: noel baratta
From: Naples, NJ
Posted On: January 20th, 2015 05:01PM
Which Tooth: #14
4 roots were done through my crown. The crown was filled but will need to be replaced

Not cheap but I think he did it right!
Amount: $1,345.00
Posted by: Love the Blues
From: Chicago (Niles), IL
Posted On: December 29th, 2014 02:12PM
Which Tooth: 14
Practitioner: Dr Brett Gilbert
No insurance - Referred by General Dentist - three appointment process - evaluation, initial procedure (a week ago) & completion (today) after a week of antibiotics to get rid of infection. He was very competent, administered local anesthetic without even feeling the shot, minimal pain until the infection broke out day after 1st procedure but the antibiotic quickly controlleed that. I guess I paid a premium but I think it was woth it to get it done right. Now the crown and more money!

My root canal...TODAY
Amount: $2,900.00
Posted by: Eryn Arnold
From: fallbrook, CA
Posted On: December 3rd, 2014 01:12PM
Which Tooth: Mid molar upper right side
Right no pain, ok. I went in at 8am was done at noon. Where are you people going that they finish in 20 minutes? Wow.Insane cost 2,900.00 bucks. My "full coverage" dental insurance paid 2000.00. Hope my kids understand why they will get no gifts for Christmas. How do you wrap a tooth?

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External Resources:
  1.  www.mayoclinic.com/health/root-canal...
  2.  www.aae.org/Search.aspx
  3.  www.nidcr.nih.gov/oralhealth/popular...
  4.  www.ada.org/267.aspx
  5.  www.mouthhealthy.org/en/find-a-denti...
  6.  www.aae.org/Patients/Find.aspx
  7.  www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/find...

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