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Dental Implants Comments

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Permanent Denture Implants
Amount: $20,000.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: tony snow
From: Riverview, FL
Posted On: April 2nd, 2014 06:04PM
Which Tooth: all
Missing two teeth all others were filling or crowns. Crowns started to break so asked about dentures figuring it would be cheaper than keep getting teeth fixed. I was told it would cost $20,000 to have the teeth pulled and two pins in the upper jaw to hold the dentures in place. 10,000 just to have the tooth extractions. Had two teeth removed at $430 each and have one broken off at the gum line. I didn't have this one removed yet was told it would be a surgical extraction at $700-$800. Called my Dentist in Johnstown, Pa which I have used for 20 years before moving to Florida. He told me this price was insane.Would pull my teeth at $75 each. $2250 as opposed to $10,000 in Florida this is all without insurance.

Implants for lower denture
Amount: $9,000.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: a user in Allen, TX.Posted On: March 29th, 2014 07:03AM
Which Tooth: Lower denture
I am 89 years old and have had full dentures for many years. I had enough bone for only three implants. The surgery was done in about an hour and a half. I waited twelve weeks to heal and have had no problems. We reused my old dentures since they were in good shape. I am very satisfied and I am contemplating doing the upper also. It will be about another $9000 for three implants. I was told they remove the roof of the upper when they do this procedure. The implants in the lower plate has made my life much easier.

...continue from "Bone Graft from hip to mouth"
Amount: $12,000.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Jason Rojas
From: Houston, TX
Posted On: February 14th, 2014 03:02AM
Which Tooth: Several
He then told me he would refer me to a board certified surgeon in oral and facial cosmetic surgery in Katy, Texas.
Bone graft surgery for the upper and bottom:
$8500.00 Doctor, $3500.00 Hospital
I went to see the doctor yesterday, it has been 4 months since the surgery, my face still 30% numb from the procedure, he keep saying that the numbness is normal due to the nerves that are moved during the surgery. Now he is telling me that the bone graft on the upper still not fully restored because I had too much bone loss and he was not able to recover it all, he will use a fixed bridge with a “pink” base that look like the gum color to “fill” that area, (meaning that after all the procedure and all the stressful recovery and the expenses; I am going to wear a “bridge” not individual tooth)... I guess this is not the doctor fault… (I said I guess) but I have to continue.

Bone graft from hip to mouth
Amount: $12,000.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Jason Rojas
From: Houston, TX
Posted On: February 14th, 2014 03:02AM
Which Tooth: Several
Upper teeth:
Central,Lateral,Canine incisor and first premolar. (4)
Bottom teeth:
First and Second Molar each side (4)
A crown to the Lateral incisor broke at the base, so they had to extract the root but since the canine was “impacted” inside of the bone cavity and never came out; they brought it out through surgery at the same time (done in Monterrey Mexico) A partial denture was made and I was using it without any problem. I paid $1,200.00
Later in the year my body started to “remove” the bone on both sides of the missing tooth. Looked for what I called a “real” dentist in Houston; not because the one in Monterrey was bad, but I needed to finish all this once for all.
I found one (Houston’s Best Known Prosthodontics Specialist) that told me I needed “bone graft” due to the big bone loss I was getting. For my surprise bone loss was also affecting the 2 adjacent (good) teeth and they needed to be removed in order for the bone graft to succeed.
will continue....

prosthetic dental implants
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Annie Nonimous
From: Sandwich, MA
Posted On: January 28th, 2014 04:01PM
Which Tooth: full uppers
I was quoted $45,000.00 by a well known professional in Sandwich, MA and if I could refi my home I would because he's the best his rep is top notch. bank turned me down but I'm too sick with the dental problems to leave the house or finish my edu (nursing degree). I had 3 days of clinical left but sick to death-- having them pulled one at a time. Don't know what I'll do - no funds, no job, missing teeth, couldn't tolerate partials (gagged) so sick. Anyone that can travel to another country for cheap dental work needs their head examined! Where do you get the funds to do that? omg,

Implants -2 upper bicuspids
Amount: $10,800.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Gary Klucken
From: Waco, TX
Posted On: January 22nd, 2014 11:01PM
Which Tooth: Upper left and right
Lost both teeth due to broken roots. Now I wear a plastic guard at night which eliminates unconscious nighttime grinding of teeth! No more broken roots-No more need for implants!!!

Get a guarantee, plan for future removal, use a periodontist
Amount: $15,000.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: SueTaylor
From: Seattle, WA
Posted On: November 28th, 2013 12:11PM
Which Tooth: #19, #29, #18
I had 3 implants placed by reputable oral surgeons. I have good oral hygiene, great gums, & was on a soft food diet. 6 months later 2 out of the 3 implants are failing (no one knows why). I am having now having trouble getting the failing/painful implants removed (whether by these oral surgeons or other providers). I highly recommend that people get a promise in writing from whoever is doing their implants, that they "shall remove the implants at the patient's request (even if nothing is showing up on scans)". I also suggest that you get your implants close to home. If you have a problem, travel can be costly. Also, some providers "guarantee" their implants & will replace them at no cost or minimal cost. Implants don't last forever, so this can be a big moneysaver. Lastly, consider using a periodontist rather than an oral surgeon as they will be more likely to preserve your gums & bone (which is critical to your implant lasting & looking good).

Implants a NECESSITY not just cosmetic
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: concerned wife
From: Auburn, CA
Posted On: November 12th, 2013 12:11PM
Which Tooth: all
My 43 year old professional husband took good care of his teeth. He didn't have any cavities, but developed gingivitis that got worse no matter how he brushed or got his teeth cleaned (degenerative disease). He ended up getting infections that spread to the bone. He was put on multiple Rxs which helped some, but slowly, the teeth got more loose and started falling out. In July 2012, he had to have all of his teeth extracted or risked ending up in a coma due to severe infection. We were quoted $8k for the surgery and $50k for implants. We could only afford the extractions and try for dentures. My husband had a HORRIBLE GAG REFLEX and threw up whenever he tried to wear the dentures. The dentist cut them back as much as possible, but there were almost $2k down the drain since he could not wear them. Now, over a year later, he still has no teeth and is developing digestive issues since he can't chew his food. He's grown a beard to help appearances but his professional life has suffered too

dental implant
Amount: $3,180.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: a user in Dakota Dunes, SD.Posted On: October 24th, 2013 10:10PM
Which Tooth: #5
implant placement 1950
extraction 120
bone graft 200
crown 710
c scan of jaw 120
consultation 80

dental implants
Amount: $3,000.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: daisey
From: rochester, NY
Posted On: October 2nd, 2013 07:10PM
Which Tooth: #11
I 'm contemplating a dental implant at Eastman
Dental.While reading comments I noted someones comments on DDS schooling.After receiving a BS the student goes on to 4 years of Dental School and does a post graduate residency for 1 year before taking the boards.Specialitys are anywhere from 3-5 years.Count it up wise guys.Lots of schooling+lots of college debt.

The Flipper
Amount: $1,300.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Distressed in Texas
From: Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
Posted On: September 23rd, 2013 06:09PM
Which Tooth: two close to the front
I had two teeth extracted near the front. They made a flipper with the missing teeth for 1,300. The plan was to wear it till I got implants. I am on disability and my Husband died very suddenly 8 weeks ago. Even though its quite uncomfortable, I suspect that due to the high cost of implants there is no alternative but to wear the flipper for the rest of my life. My life changed in an instant and money is only one aspect of my problems. Degenerative disease with no cure coupled with chronic pain, high cost medications, living alone as a disabled person, grief, loneliest and depression- I am 59 years old and my quality of life just plummeted. Teeth are just one aspect of my miserable existance at this juncture. I'm an intelligent, attractive, articulate, outgoing (& previously positive) individual who had a beautiful marriage, an exemplary career for 35 years and a reasonable expectation for happiness in my older years. Now I'm extremely distressed about my future. Pray for me.

None loss
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Darin
From: Las Vegas, NV
Posted On: September 19th, 2013 07:09PM
Which Tooth: Bottom and top four front teeth
I'm a working class citizen TRY to pay my bills on time. And noww THIS!!! My gums are receeding so rapidly I can't control it. I need my teeth to work. What do I do.? I have insurance but it's still thousands of dollars for implants..

Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: N need of a smile
From: Tallahassee, FL
Posted On: August 2nd, 2013 05:08AM
Which Tooth: all
As a child my mother never took me to a dentist. At the age of 13 I went to an group home being in state custody first time going to a dentist they pulled 8 teeth 4 on each side lower back now all my teeth has shift my front teeth was pulled because i have periodontal disease.I work for walmart and the insurance is horrible.I need advice on finding someone affordable in Fla.I just want to hold my head up and smile again

Sticker Shock!!! *just received quote
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Stickershocked
From: Fort Worth, TX
Posted On: July 17th, 2013 07:07AM
Which Tooth: #30
Asked about replacing son's decaying molar with an implant. Quoted $4500, $2400 of which was just the crown!! WHY?? Why on earth would a CROWN be $2400?? Unbelievable. They said it is because implant crowns have to have a special attachment... WTF is the attachment made of, diamond? I'm shopping around - that's insane.

I had all upper teeth pulled and they did Sinus Lift, Bone Grafts and 8 implants
Amount: $23,500.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Suzanne Ducote
From: Baton Rouge, LA
Posted On: July 15th, 2013 05:07AM
Which Tooth: All upper teeth
Make sure you go to a reputable Dental Surgeon! My bone grafts came from cadavars not from my body which they say hurts like hell! I had this done 5 days ago 07-09-2013 and I had no swelling and only minor pain. I can't eat solid foods so I make fruit smoothies and I have lost 6 pounds..which is great because I need to lose around 60. I can start exercising in 3 weeks. It will take 4 to 6 months for my mouth to heal and then I will get my permanent teeth that will be screwed in and I never have to take them out. I have temporary ones now and they gave me stuff to whiten my bottom teeth to match the pretty white ones I will be getting. I am very very happy so far. If you live in or around Baton Rouge, Louisiana I would advise you to use Dr Barksdale on Coursey Blvd. He is great and the whole staff is great! For people who can't afford this kind of surgery, there is a credit card out there called Care Credit you can use and make payments each month, it's wonderful!

Amount: $1,500.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Maurice
From: East orange, NJ
Posted On: May 28th, 2013 01:05PM
Which Tooth: Front

dental inplant
Amount: $5,000.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: a user in Beeville, TX.Posted On: May 21st, 2013 11:05AM
Which Tooth: upper right pre molar
I broke my tooth 2 years ago beyond repair. I had the tooth removed and a implant place , after that healed for a few months I had a porcelain crown place. No regrets here. The tooth feels like normal and I can not tell the difference between my other teeth.
As for the complaints on a doctor charges. Obviously you have never owned or ran a buisness. Just who do you think pays the employees, the ulities, and buys the produts being used? I know I would never do my job for free, would you? And for the people looking for cheap work remember you get exactly what you pay for. And one more thing on fees, If you can afford to go to another country for cheap dental work, what is the reason for not being able to stay in the US and pay their fees. Seriously do people even think before they start rattling off at the mouth.

extractions and upper denture lower 5 implants
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: billie 4564
From: stillwater, MN
Posted On: April 9th, 2013 09:04PM
Which Tooth: 18 to be removed
Am 68 yrs old and have to do something medicare does not pay Anything have UCare they pay nothing either do not want to pay all tht money when i am so old and can't afford it they say it is causing me health issues But what do you do?? do not have the money and can't borrow that from bank wont live long enough to pay it back and they want the money up front Not fair for seniors What do you do ?? Any help out there for me ????? any ideas plz forward to me

1 extraction, 2 implants, 1 graft, 2 crowns
Amount: $6,670.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Andrew5621
From: Romulus, MI
Posted On: April 7th, 2013 09:04PM
Which Tooth: 30 &31
tooth 31 implant and abutment was slanted outward and questioned tho dentist said was ok. now, new crown 31 is out further to cheek and tooth above. this is causing me to bite into cheek somewhat.. who do you go to when dentist says it is ok? it is not ok. but too late to fix.? what are the qualifications/licensing requirements for surgery of implants? Are some dentists recognizing this implant business is a quick buck/easy money industry without regulations? rnWho is to back you up for help without insurance?

Dental Implants
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Moon
From: Waukegan, IL
Posted On: March 31st, 2013 07:03AM
Which Tooth: all
I'am 52 year old on Disability and $50,000 is just out of reach by ($50,000) Medicare will not pay a penny. NEED HELP
I have lost 5 teeth in the last 60 days

Just finished dental implant
Amount: $640.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Sasha Smith
From: Northern, VA
Posted On: March 29th, 2013 12:03PM
Which Tooth: number 5 front
I had the tooth removed which was fully covered by my insurance. My insurance has and will pay a total of 60% of the cost of the implant plus the crown that will be another $600 after insurance for a total out of pocket of $1250. Without insurance the total cost would be $3050. It was performed this morning which left me in a little pain 1 aleve and a nap later I feel better. Will probably need at least one more before it is all said and done.

Extraction, implant, and crown
Amount: $5,013.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: WaltW
From: Chapel Hill, NC
Posted On: March 20th, 2013 08:03AM
Which Tooth: #3
Retired and have found no viable dental insurance plan. This is the third tooth that's cost thousands. This one required surgical extraction ($300), ridge preservation ($675), endosteal implant ($2,200), custom abutment ($960), and abutment support fused crown ($1,354). I was able to get %15 off the extraction, ridge preservation, and endosteal implant by paying the whole bill up front. But after paying about $13,000 in the last 3 years, I'm wondering how one can afford dental work when they retire.

To the ENRAGED GUY from DM, IA you clearly do not know what you are talking about!
Amount: $650.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: a user in Phoenix, AZ.Posted On: March 13th, 2013 10:03AM
Which Tooth: 30
Dentists are doctors and they go to school for more than a year... in fact they go to college for 4 years to obtain an undergrad degree and then on to dental school for 4 more years and if they specialize, at least 2-4 mores of school in their speciality... so by my calculations that would be 10-12 years of school!!!

I hate Dentistry
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: a user in Butler, PA.Posted On: March 7th, 2013 12:03PM
Which Tooth: Top 4 Front
My top 4 front teeth are starting to crack, one even is missing a shell piece near the top, I was conteplting implants since they would look just like the teeth I have,but as soon as I saw the prices people are paying, WOW! is all I can say. Just recently left College and have no health insurance, only 23 years old there is no way I'll ever be able to afford even one for the broken one.

Permanent Denture Implants
Amount: $90,000.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Paula Rae
From: Wells, MI
Posted On: March 4th, 2013 07:03PM
Which Tooth: all
I have an inherited gum disease. Im losing all my teeth one by one. I was quoted permanent dentures and synthetic bone grafts at 90 grand. I set an appointment at a dental University to see if they can help me. So tired of pain, suffering and watching pretty healthly teeth get pulled. I cannot believe medical insurance doesnt help with any of the costs, yet they say bad oral health affects your heart, ect. Prayers said they can help me at the University ( which for the record quoted 30 grand IF they can help and that was a ballpark figure.

Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Joanne Edwards
From: Orlando, FL
Posted On: March 4th, 2013 01:03PM
Which Tooth: lower left next to the last molar
I need to have this tooth extracted due to an abcess. I want to put in an implant. I have Cigna Insurance with AT&T. Does insurance pay for any of this?

Full upper & lower dental implants. Had all teeth removed already
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: M. lee Harrington jr
From: Williamstown, NJ
Posted On: February 23rd, 2013 05:02PM
Which Tooth: All upper & lower
It's been a real diffitcult time.I got hurt @ work so i missed some time.They fired me,I been looking for work but with no teeth & not such a great smile i hear the same thing time after time we'll be in touch.NO chance,Besides that it is very diffitcult to eat,SO if any one has a solution or can help i thank you in advance.

dental implants 2 upper side by side
Amount: $5,500.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: happy savin $
From: Toronto, CA
Posted On: February 18th, 2013 05:02AM
Which Tooth: 2 upper on L side beside I teeth
I live on Toronto Canada and went to the University of Torontos implant clinic. 1st surgury 3000. & waiting for healing. .Im 6 mon. another 2500. They did a bit of a sinus lift 1/2 of what they expected so i saved myself 500. Cant say enouh good real pain(ibuprofin) no swellin or bruising. My dentist wanted 8-12,000. This was def. the way to go for me. Im very pleased

Full Implants for a Friend
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Just Starting Search
From: Washington, DC
Posted On: February 13th, 2013 04:02PM
Which Tooth: All
Beginning a search for a friend, (and maybe me in future?) -- trying to get budgetary estimates for pulling 6 remaining teeth, full upper and lower implants (AND crowns AND ??? too???). rnThis website is extremely informative -- even though I still have no idea of final total budgetary costs. rnThanks everyone for your stories -- I guess it's "Shop Hard - Get Quotes" and "Buyer Beware" -- and start saving your entire life for when you'll eventually need it.rnrnBTW: Why do folks expect to pay $100 for Insurance and immediately get $50,000 in Benefits? If you're gonna need future dental work, get insurance now before you need it; pay in for the necessary years, and then you may have help when you need it. Time goes by surprisingly fast, looking back.

Need extractions 10
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurance
Posted by: Ms.Jerry Pratt....female
From: Morristown, TN
Posted On: January 28th, 2013 12:01PM
Which Tooth: 10 lower front
I have to have antibiotic preferably by IV due to aortic valve replacement and 2 aortic aneurysms repaired, and by-pass. I have 10 lower teeth that my gums are falling away from. They are totally brown on back and look terrible from front. Was told bad teeth can cause heart problems. I have pain up to my ears from them. I have medicare and medicaid. I need a dentist that will yrt to keep anthing from spreading to mt heart. I cant afford to have anything done.

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