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CostHelper.com > Health & Personal Care > Dental Implants
Dental Implants Cost - Buyer Experiences and Price InformationDental Implants CommentsPage 2 of 13 - << Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next >> Dental Implant Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: masarati From: Fremont, CAPosted On: June 18th, 2009 07:06AMWhich Tooth: premolar Quoted $5,500 for implant in a premolar with a cavity, however they wanted to try to do a cast post and a crow first to see if it held: 75% against 25% chances, this would cost $1,200 for the root canal and another $995 for the crown and $350 for the cast post; another opinion told me that there was no chance that it would hold: so $2,545 for the dentist and when whole works falls then he will tell you that you fell in the 25% chance and keep on going with the implant at $5,500. After all this scheme the premolar would cost me $8,045. I think that the overwhelming majority of dentist are there to scam people as much as possible, for what I heard in Mexico you would be paying less than 1/3 and have the job done by dentist that graduated in USA and clinics that are more up to standard than the one I visited here in California. Now, if you shop around in USA you may find less expensive prices, however do not rely in the word of the Dentist, they are there for only one reason: to make money! working with the team of receptionist, manager and others to rip you off, the first thing that they want you to do is to sign your financial life away. Most of them work 4 or even 3 days a week and make a ton of money, I say they should work 5 days a week and drop their prices by 50% at least, and still they would be making pretty good money. We, the American consumers are stupid and let the "Professionals" (deceivers) robe us blind.
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: hanan From: shanghai, OtherPosted On: June 15th, 2009 07:06PMWhich Tooth: lower and upper I missed most of my teeth and I want to replaced the missing teeth by implants ,they told me costs about 10,000$ for six teeth, I need a help please
Dental cost
Amount: $10,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Sweet From: Chicago, ILPosted On: June 14th, 2009 04:06AMWhich Tooth: # 5 each side of upper jaw I had two implants put for $3,000 (done); and then referred to another Dentist who will put the crowns for $7,000.00(not purchased yet, but in process) None are covered by the insurance. I am devastated, I think I am being taken by these Dentists.
Amount: $8,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Crystal From: avondale, AZPosted On: June 12th, 2009 11:06AMWhich Tooth: two bottom molars At 33 years old, I still had baby teeth left and this is where two of them were. the baby root finally disappered on one and the tooth came out. The other I had pulled out. No pain for me. as far as the procedure goes. regular pain on gums where tooth was.
Amount: $5,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: WB From: Parsippany, NJPosted On: June 8th, 2009 04:06PMWhich Tooth: #4 (right side 3rd from back) Just got a quote for everything including the "flipper" which is a temporary tooth in a retainer type device until the bone graft heals. I have already spent $5000 on this tooth over the last 8 years via 3 surgeries, a crown and prior fillings which all failed. I will be having the implant procedure next month. A bridge would cost in the area of $4000 because I would need a root canal (on a different tooth) and 3 crowns so at that point what's another $1000 for a (so called) permanent fix.
Amount: $5,500.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: John Handal From: Fremont, CAPosted On: June 8th, 2009 11:06AMWhich Tooth: left lower premolar I don't know why dental work cost so much. Implant is just to screw some titanium, put an abut and a crown. In many South American Countries you pay 1/3 of what you pay here and many dentist are trained in USA or Europe. I need two dental implants, I may take a cruise to Chile, have a great time and after all I would be paying less than half of what I would be ripped off here. The Medical and the Dental System in this country allow people to be ripped off by the "Health Care Providers" ... most of them are into deceiving people and sucking up as much blood as possible from the distress patients. Write to your congressman or representative about this situation, Healt Care shouldn't be treated as a luxury.
Look 4 Implants Dentist In Nashville, Tn
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Nisha33 From: Murfreesboro, TNPosted On: May 21st, 2009 09:05AMWhich Tooth: all I'm 33 years old. I begin losing my teeth at the age of 28. I only have about 11 teeth left. I'm about Graduate College in December 2009. I need implant to move on to my next stage in life but I can't because I'm embrass to open my mouth but I love to smile. A college student who can't afford teeth. Help Please
Amount: $4,200.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Sunny in Florida From: Ft. Lauderdale, FLPosted On: May 21st, 2009 09:05AMWhich Tooth: Upper cuspid My two upper cuspid's were babay teeth. I consider anything under $5,000.00 good. The first one cost me more...I had a flipper made until I was ready for the permanent crown. The second cuspid was removed in January 2009. Paid $2,700. (including extraction) and surgeon supplied me with a temporary tooth. The crown will cost $1,500. Be leary - the DDS wanted to charge me extra because the abutment was on a slant...cut me a break...
desperate for help
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: help please From: vegas, NVPosted On: May 16th, 2009 02:05AMWhich Tooth: all Im 31 and at 27 my teeth started falling out. Ive been told that getting dentures at this age is a bad idea because dentures will slowly break down my lower jaw and in the course of 10-15 years i will probably not have much of a lower jaw left if any. I in no way can afford implants because i cant get a job with my teeth looking the way they do. Does anyone know of any pro bono dentists doing implant work? or know of any insurance companies that cover dental implants?
Dental Implant/Abutment/Crown
Amount: $2,300.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: rudy From: Temecula, CAPosted On: April 23rd, 2009 03:04PMWhich Tooth: upper and lower Quote by densit in 2006 and honored seven implants later. No problems, less painful than a root canal. Takes 4-5 appointments. With a healthy bone structure the procedure is complete in 60 days
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: willie From: houston, TXPosted On: April 5th, 2009 10:04AMWhich Tooth: all which insurance /policy covers everything??I need both upper and lower implants.
Dental Implant
Amount: $2,500.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Lik From: Chicago, ILPosted On: April 3rd, 2009 11:04AMWhich Tooth: 12th I have MetLife, and it covers 40% of U&C for out-of-network providers ($3,000 annual benefit). I assume that there are dentists and dental surgeons who are good and who participate in the dental networks, but I haven't met any in Chicago. Anyhow, the dental surgeon placed the implant for $2,650 (fixed price, discussed upfront; insurance covered $750), my general dentist will place a crown in 5 months and it will cost $1,280 (fixed price, discussed upfront). I was absolutely happy with the surgery: I didn't feel a thing, nothing was swollen after the procedure and days after, it took only 30 minutes to do the whole thing.
Insurance coverd everything
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Jerzee From: Brandon, FLPosted On: March 22nd, 2009 08:03PM To: Jim in Fairhope, AL
financial help for implants
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: E. Reuteler Insurance covered 100 percent of ALL your work???? 80-90 thousands dollars worth of work??? Who is your insurance provider???? From: lake elsinore, CAPosted On: March 16th, 2009 07:03PMWhich Tooth: top I know it is a long shot, but am wondering if there is any kind of financial aid available to recieve implants? I just turned 40, and the dentist pulled almost all my top teeth and because I do not have insurance I had to pay 300.00 for a flip plate for "cosmetic" use only. So now am stuck with no teeth in back on top to chew with. They are talking implants but I could never afford it. Is there any kind of charitable organization or even "sweat equity" program where you work for them? Anything? Desperate and very depressed.
Dental Implant - mislead on price
Amount: $4,650.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Jackie G From: Warren, MIPosted On: March 10th, 2009 09:03AMWhich Tooth: Upper right 2nd bicuspid I was originally quoted $3200 for an implant....which who would guess that for that kind of money it would still leave you with a hole in your mouth?? The process was never explained to me nor was I ever told that there would be additional charges to complete the procedure. I had to wait approx 3 months for the implant to "heal" and had to wear a "flipper" or what I am calling a denture. Again, this was never explained to me as part of the procedure. I called in to schedule what I thought would be my final appointment to have a tooth put into the hole only to be told that there would be an additional charge of $1450! When I asked if this would be the last charge to complete the procedure.....the receptionist said no. They would not be able to tell me what the final cost would be.....at this point I am livid! I don't know what to do!
Full Upper/Lower Implants
Amount: $45,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Jeffrey P Horst From: San Francisco, CAPosted On: March 5th, 2009 03:03PMWhich Tooth: All My Mom paid 45K, for a new set of Upper/Lower teeth. Seems a bit costly considering she's 68. Anyone know of something comparable...Implants?, Dentures?
insurance coverage
Amount: $1,750.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: annie88482009 I have a full upper/lower denture w/posts which cost a mere 17K - including removal. From: Burbank, CAPosted On: February 28th, 2009 04:02PMWhich Tooth: one on the side My daughter has MetLife Dental Ins. which will cover 2250. of 4000. quoted for one tooth implant crown and abutment.BUT it only covers 1500. per year total so she has to space it out over two years. And the cost of the extraction is 160. with 120. of that covered by insurance.I wonder if what you pay for the policy over the year would cover all these costs anyway.
Gentic Bine Disease effect my whole body
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Wade Schmidt From: Nashville, TNPosted On: February 11th, 2009 06:02AMWhich Tooth: All Top Hey - I have a genetic degeneration of my bones. I'm 46 and at 35 they were estimated to be in effect 80 - 85 yrs old. I have had surgery all over my body (10 surgeries last year). My entire Cervical Spine and partial T-spine. My entirely re-modeled with Rods/plates/brackets/screws. I have extreme chronic pain. Drs knew this would be the case, but stabilizing my spine was most important. Now it has effected my spine. I'm now loosing my upper teeth which is extremely emotional as I has good teeth. Being disabled with a fixed income and no dental coverage the expense is crazy. I would love Permanent Implants. Any thoughts? Ever heard of "Pro-Bono" for this at all. Sure would be so grateful beyond belief. Had to ask
Jim in Fairhope, AL., about your insurance
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Steve W From: St. Louis, MOPosted On: February 9th, 2009 09:02AMWhich Tooth: all What kind of insurance/company do you have? It sounds like it's worth looking into.
jim fairhope al
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: xestim From: brooklyn, NYPosted On: January 5th, 2009 07:01AMWhich Tooth: all what insurance did you have
Dental Implant
Amount: $24,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Unhappy in NYC From: New York, NYPosted On: December 28th, 2008 10:12AMWhich Tooth: one upper right and one lower left Would have sworn I was told these would be $2,000 each and they turned out to be about $12,000 each, about $6500 all-in for the implant and $5500 all-in for the crown. And over a year's time. This was a year ago. Last week the dentist said I needed another implant. Implants are wonderful, the dentist said. But where's the good, I ask myself, to spend the rest of my life being always in recovery from an implant and always in debt from the cost of the implants.
What to do?
Amount: $4,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Bonnie From: london, OtherPosted On: December 24th, 2008 05:12PMWhich Tooth: 3rd one top left I had a root canel and a crown put on it a year ago. My tooth broke under the crown and now I have to have my tooth pulled and a implant put in. I am debating on if I should go with a bridge or an implant?
Dental implants
Amount: $75,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: candy roberts From: Ewing, NJPosted On: December 20th, 2008 04:12PMWhich Tooth: all teeth I received a complete implant in my entire mouth
Dental Implant
Amount: $3,855.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Erin From: Plant City, FLPosted On: December 19th, 2008 03:12PMWhich Tooth: lower left back tooth I had a root canal that started to decay so my only option was to remove it and get a dental implant which i did however the dentist overestimated the size of the implant and hit my nerve and i have numbness in my lower left lip to my chin so he took it out and rebuild my bone back up and I waited another 8 weeks to heal and a few weeks ago the dentist actually did a good job this time but I still have numbness and was told this would last for 6 months, I am a little concerned. I do have some tingling sensations but it is very annoying. Of course I will go back in March 209 to get the crown.
Dental Implants
Amount: $2,500.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: ncblkgy From: SEATTLE, WAPosted On: December 12th, 2008 11:12AMWhich Tooth: 3 in front 2 in back This was my total for 5 implants paid an additional $600 per tooth for crowns. I had mine done in Mexico and it was an awsome experience. I went through a company MedPath Group Inc, (dont know their contact info, google them)who does Dental and Medical tourism based out of Seattle. Was a very neat experience. I was quoted in Seattle $2,600 per tooth.
tooth implant
Amount: $2,100.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: maggiebug From: memphis, TNPosted On: December 11th, 2008 06:12PMWhich Tooth: Side top molar I got one implant laid and with abutment and temp crown plus 3 wisdom teeth taken out for $2,600 before insurance. Insurance paid $1,200 and I still need a crown that will be up to $700 or so. I even have a bone graft. It's been painless but I do have some redness. Cost is comparable to a 3 unit bridge...and the periodontist has a great follow up procedure and communication. It's only been a few weeks but I think it will go smooth
teeth implant
Amount: $15,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: dee From: chula vista, CAPosted On: December 10th, 2008 10:12AMWhich Tooth: 1 front and 2 in the back I need implants but insurance doesnt pay tried dental care credit dont qualify can anyone help what are other options or programs for low income patients? dont want to wear a flipper it hurts and damaging other good teeth now making them weak and crooked!
Dental Implant
Amount: $21,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: A user in Tennessee From: Johnson City, TNPosted On: December 5th, 2008 02:12PM It has been a year and a half, and I still can't eat much of anything. I still have another two months. I look like my grandmother and I'm only 44.
Amount: $16,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: A user in Cumberland, WI From: Cumberland, WIPosted On: December 5th, 2008 02:12PM Had a missing back right molar from previous extraction, had a root canal that went bad so had to have tooth removed, and I also still had a baby tooth (lower first molar) that was sunk down. Dentists advised me to have baby tooth removed, and 3 impants to make up for the missing teeth. Advised that getting braces first would help with the positioning of the implants. Thought it would cost me around $10k for the braces and implants, but just recently found out my quote for the crowns is another $5k. I already have braces off and 3 implants in, I guess I can't just stop now. Sure does suck though. I could have bought a new car. A 2 year procedure is now into it 4th year! Make sure you know what you are getting into.
dental implants/bone augamentation, skin graph
Amount: $60,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: matthew From: Glens falls, NYPosted On: November 13th, 2008 06:11PMWhich Tooth: all/28 anyone getting implants, make sure that if you have fixed teeth added after that the screws that hold the teeth in place, don't get stripped, I have 12 implants 6 on top and 6 on bottem and teeth that go over them and .050 screws that hold them in place, but 2 of the screws are so tight that they got rounded off trying to looseing them,so if any one out there has had this happen to them feel free to e-mail, i'd go back to the dentist that made the teeth and placed them in, but the company is no longer in busines.
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