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Dental Implants Cost - Buyer Experiences and Price InformationDental Implants CommentsPage 11 of 13 - << Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next >> so called permanent bridge Amount: $10,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: tara thomas From: lake orion, MIPosted On: December 2nd, 2015 11:12PMWhich Tooth: all four of my front teeth I cry almost everyday I live in Pontiac mi in 2009 my,mom paid 10,000 to have a permanent bridge place in my up front four teeth I went to the dentist because my bridge feels like its getting ready to fall out so I thought I have medicad and I also have two bottom teeth missing and was suppose to get flipper on the bottom don't you know that now I have to have all my teeth pulled and there trying to place dentures in my mouth no I think not they move they rub sores in your mouth but the dentist at mark Taylor in Waterford said I would be a great candidate for implants well thats nice the only thing is I don't have 1,900 5,000 to 10,000"out of pocket I'm so embarrassed by my smile I never show my teeth or anything im getting married soon and im 40 years in may im to young to go through this does anyone know where you can make payment arrangement who don't go by your credit here in Michigan I don't want my soon to be husband to look at his toothless bride I cry all the time please help!!
Dental implant
Amount: $35,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: cortex-dental From: Richmond, VAPosted On: November 29th, 2015 04:11AMWhich Tooth: upper mouth the clinic did a good job, but the cost is astronomic and it doesn't covered by the insurance.
Dental Implant
Amount: $1,200.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Nurdaulet Sharenov From: Dearborn, MIPosted On: October 3rd, 2015 12:10PMWhich Tooth: 32 I paid 1200 for a zirconium implant
cost not inclusive
Amount: $45.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: im stupid From: san jose, CAPosted On: August 22nd, 2015 10:08PMWhich Tooth: 5 teeth on top The estimate started at 25-30 k one would think the price of an implant includes abutment and cap. now they want 50 k total to do the job, does this always happen? think I've been taken advantage of,,,, should have followed intuition,,
dental implants
Amount: $8,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: WV Mama From: Berkeley Springs,, WVPosted On: August 19th, 2015 12:08PMWhich Tooth: complete upper and lower dentures My 83 year old husband needs dentures. He cannot chew and has lost 45 lbs in the last 2 years. I took him to the local dentist for evaluations for dentures. dentist said he could not reline the dentures- not enough bone to hold them. He was sent to a periodontists who said he could do nothing aftering evaluating the xrays taken in his office and referred to an oral surgeon. Oral surgeon told patient he could do 2 implants implants at a cost of $4800.00 not counting cost anesthesia or and added"I don't think you will have a good fit". You need to just live with what you have. I could sent you to the university to be evaluated for a bone graft. local dentist would make the dentures at a estimated cost of $4000.00 after oral surgeon did implants. He is 83 yr on fixed income and cannot afford it. Is there any help with this type of dental work.
dental implants
Amount: $8,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: WV Mama From: Berkeley Springs,, WVPosted On: August 19th, 2015 12:08PMWhich Tooth: complete upper and lower dentures My 83 year old husband needs dentures. He cannot chew and has lost 45 lbs in the last 2 years. I took him to the local dentist for evaluations for dentures. dentist said he could not reline the dentures- not enough bone to hold them. He was sent to a periodontists who said he could do nothing aftering evaluating the xrays taken in his office and referred to an oral surgeon. Oral surgeon told patient he could do 2 implants implants at a cost of $4800.00 not counting cost anesthesia or and added"I don't think you will have a good fit". You need to just live with what you have. I could sent you to the university to be evaluated for a bone graft. local dentist would make the dentures at a estimated cost of $4000.00 after oral surgeon did implants. He is 83 yr on fixed income and cannot afford it. Is there any help with this type of dental work.
implants for four front teeth
Amount: $20,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: rtrev64 From: Dallas, TXPosted On: August 5th, 2015 05:08PMWhich Tooth: four front teeth It is amazing how so expensive the procedure is. i had a bridge that lasted for 15 years until a month ago, they gave way. I dont have flippers because well i did not need them, i had a bridge, i don't want flippers, I cannot believe how much they are and they look so plastic, fake but are expensive to boot. I am frustrated. I visited three dentist here in Dallas and all just say it's either implants or flippers.. really? either i pay what i cannot afford its like buying a brand new car or live with flippers. So my search continues. Some say snap on's as an alternative or one tooth at a time, place a implant on one side, pay it off, then pay for the next one, pay it off and so forth till i have all of them in place. I am thinking, I would not mind permanent bridges like i had before but they will not do that. so i am thinking two implants, then the bridge to cover the gap in the middle..I set up a gofundme account..http://www.gofundme.com/robertt
Permanent fixed dentures.
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: cookieb403 From: jax, FLPosted On: August 4th, 2015 02:08PMWhich Tooth: upper and lower Not begging for money or crying poor me. I am poor, I am a 60 year old disabled lady and I live WAY below the poverty level beside caring for my disabled sister and fostering shelter dogs that were on death row. So I know what it is to go hungry and go without luxury's. I also know the only way to get fixed dentures(not snap on) is to come up with the money on my own. I have been scrubbing floors and cleaning houses for friends to save money. Haven't been able to wear my lower dentures since I got them over 4 years ago. Can anyone tell me who is good, yet reasonable in central Florida? How hard is it to get a care credit loan? Has anyone gone abroad for dental work, what was the cost including air fair etc? I refuse to visit my family up north until I have teeth and can smile. I have a Grandbaby I haven't seen since losing my teeth, dignity, confidence and smile.
Insurance Companies
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: StoutBeast If their is a will their is a way and by God I will figure out a way! So please give me some advice from REAL people! From: Ft. lauderdale, FLPosted On: May 29th, 2015 10:05AMWhich Tooth: Molar # 19 Insurance companies categorize them as "cosmetic" you have a choice of having bridge work at a cheap price and having to remove teeth, etc. Or you pay a very high price.
Looking for Snap In Dentures
Amount: $6,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Rose Warren Insurance companies as we know are "Bastards" them take in money and pay out ad little as possible. The often in most cases run the state legislatures and governors (as in FL currently)and have little respect or feeling for people. In Florida in 2008 after three hurricanes (including devastating Wilma)in the South Florida area them still made a record $65 billion in profits. This was in the Miami herald. They are not exactly on hard times. From: Wilmington, DEPosted On: April 30th, 2015 03:04PMWhich Tooth: Upper and bottom I live in Delaware. currently have full upper and partial lower. I have done some research and find that there are both Snap Ins and implants. I prefer implants that do not need to be removed but as most my insurance covered my dentures. Any information regarding the cost for both snap ins dentures or implant dentures will be appreciated.
Beauty is in the pocketbook!!
Amount: $5,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Pockets From: Little Rock, ARPosted On: April 10th, 2015 12:04PMWhich Tooth: All 35 years old. I have had dentures for the last 10yrs. This has taken a huge toll on my self-confidence. Implants and the cost is far from my reach. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
needing 4in1 upper implants
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: tamcuz From: Trenton, NJPosted On: March 7th, 2015 06:03AMWhich Tooth: all upper I just went to see how much it would cost and which ones needing to be done they told me first the all of the upper need implant the cost would be 25000. And that the bottom need to be done but they can work something much cheaper for them. This needs to be done asap im losing more teeth and I must keep the bones strong what do I do I really need to beable to eat again and would love to smile. I don't have the proable about paying this just wish it was not up front thing if I could find a payment plan of 600. month im willing. I would like By dental designs to reconcider
All on 4 in Richland WA cont...
Amount: $22,500.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Scott A. Searing From: Richland, WAPosted On: March 6th, 2015 09:03AMWhich Tooth: All upper teeth removed... ...he says he'll remove some material on the denture trim the size of the denture teeth to allow him the room to move the teeth back. First he said he wouldn't guarantee it and I still am not sure that he will or not. The guy that makes the denture says the color won't be right if he does that.
All on 4 questions I need to find a cheaper place to do this!
Amount: $225,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Scott A. Searing I need to know how much it would cost to make a new denture? I also need to know if I have grounds to sue him to complete the job or go after his insurance company. Heck I'd be willing to pay for half of it! I just want my wife to be happy. It changed her look and looks are important to a female more so than a man. What can I do to resolve this? Furthermore when we started the guy quoted us 22000 and later we were give papers for like 25500. My insurance also pays 1500 dollars. I argued and they lowered my cost to 225000 when it should have been 20500. Anyway just looking for some advice here any would be highly appreciated! From: Richland, WAPosted On: March 6th, 2015 09:03AMWhich Tooth: All upper teeth removed... ...and 4 large implants put in to hold the denture plate or prosthesis. The prosthedontist did a horrible job and didn't listen to us. He proceeded to make the final and my wife's teeth stick out too much. The temporaries were huge and stuck out even more and were very ugly. She endured these for 9 months and the guy acted like he was being overworked when she wanted them different. He made them better but he used a wax model for her to try. She tried to tell him that the teeth still stuck out too much and the incisors were too long. He fixed the incisor problem but did nothing about the jutting front teeth. Her bite doesn't close on her left side and they appear to be misaligned. She's biting on her cheek on the right side. The dentist works with another guy who has 4 clinics. He's the periodontist. He ensured us that they worked as a team and we would be happy when we were done. The prothodontist will not budge on making a new denture. He says he can "modify" her existing one by..
Amount: $12,611.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: none44 From: colorado springs, COPosted On: January 31st, 2015 01:01PMWhich Tooth: 23-24-25-26 Lower 4 teeth front.
dental implants
Amount: $4,800.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: ruth traci surgery: Extract 3 teeth ( one fell out on its own). insert two implants. $5,055.00 Remaining procedures. Abutments, porcelain/ceramic, all else to finish the job. $8,396.00 Less 10% senior discount of $839.60. From: Shingle springs, CAPosted On: January 1st, 2015 12:01PMWhich Tooth: 4 front Shingle springs medical clinic and dental school opened to public sliding scale also takes most insurance and Medicaid they do implants r very kind and knowledgeable
1 implant
Amount: $3,800.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: FRANBUD From: 18951, PAPosted On: December 4th, 2014 02:12PMWhich Tooth: no. 26 lower right tooth broke off had base removed then post and implant. just bought a 2003 Subaru outback 68K for $3800 which is the better deal??? DENTISTRY HAS GOTTEN OUT OF HAND
cost of implants
Amount: $36,700.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: john c From: long island, NYPosted On: December 2nd, 2014 07:12PMWhich Tooth: all Ok, 2008: 500 for an mri, 2000 anesthesia, 30000 for: extractions, 13 implants, (7 upper, 6 lower), and upper and lower temporary implant mounted dentures. cost 32500-1500 insurance is 31000. 160 every 3 month cleaning thereafter. 2014: permanent upper 16500-800 insurance is 15700. 2015: permanent lower probably another 15700. So far 49000 minus 2300 dental insurance reimbursement is 46700 and with 2015: 16500-800 is 15700 so the total will be 62400 after insurance. Loan interest from GE Capital (CareCredit, now Synchrony) is 14.9% so its been about 450 a month since 2008 with cleaning.
No Teeth, weight lost fast.
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Lisa Johnson From: Conyers, GAPosted On: November 19th, 2014 11:11AMWhich Tooth: Entire bottom Dsabled vet who is on alot of psin meds plus a diabetic who teeth have rotten out or just fell out. I have 2 dental insurance snd still can't get any help. I don't Smile, I have no friends I don't socialize. I think I look hideous so I stay home doing nothing everyday. I have been quoted $3k to $5k and ghsts just the extraction and implant. Hell they want $140 per tooth just to extract and I have 8, insurance will only pay for 50 percent. Fixed income and no help. THE VA Hospital Won't even help. Called dental school which is associated with Emory and the want $500 just to determine how much more they will need. As If I have 500 to give away.
Amount: $1,800.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Kim S From: Macedonia, OHPosted On: November 4th, 2014 11:11AMWhich Tooth: all I LOVE MY DENTURES,not implants !!!! Food tastes the same, little to no flopping and a nice tight fit. I occasionally get something crunchy under the bottom plate like tiny pieces of taco shell, bacon or corn meal type on the bottom of pizza crust but other than that I love them and I am now on my 2nd set in 20 yrs. only because I grind my teeth and it made my side a little crooked.
Dental Implants
Amount: $3,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: a user in Chicago, IL.Posted On: October 12th, 2014 01:10AMWhich Tooth: To daisey in rochester, NY.THIS GOES TO THE DINGBAT THAT THINKS THE DENTAL STUDENT GETS THE MONEY. NO they do not. The school gets it to help fund the school, to turn out professional dentists. You fill out a form that may ask some questions of your financial background and they will then charge you a very small percentage based upon your financial capabilities. It is supervised by the teachers which are established Doctors of Dentistry. Get your facts straight. Unless you like sticking both feet in your mouth, and sound not too smart.
Co$t of implants-there IS hope!!!!!
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: leslie sanders From: Salina, KSPosted On: October 10th, 2014 02:10AMWhich Tooth: 2 upper left and one upper right After a "treatment plan" to the tune of $12,330 for implants and crowns for the 3 teeth---I called the University of Kansas Dental School and found that my co$t there was less than HALF of that quoted by my dentist. They also have a credit-card application and if accepted-there is NO interest charged while paying it off. Keep looking and good luck!!!
implant needed
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: babycatt116 From: Fall River, MAPosted On: September 22nd, 2014 09:09AMWhich Tooth: bottom right front I take medications for pain and they are ruining my teeth. Yesterday my bottom right front tooth just broke and fell out. I called my dentist and of course my insurance doesn't cover it. I spent over $3,000 on my teeth in the past 4 years. I am on disability and 55 years old and right now I just do not want to walk around without a front tooth! I am embarrassed to open my mouth! Is there anybody out there who could help me out? Please?
Is it possible to implant another tooth from my mouth instead of metal implanat
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: nilaahmed From: Homestead, FLPosted On: August 16th, 2014 05:08PMWhich Tooth: molar I read one persons posting. He mentioned"Posted: July 15th, 2013 05:07AM. He mentioned "
the cost of denture implants
Amount: $55,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: retired ex marine My bone grafts came from cadavars not from my body which they say hurts like hell! I had this done 5 days ago 07-09-2013 and I had no swelling and only minor pain." What type of bone grafts that came from cadavars". Can I use my other tooth and place in a different area of my mouth instead of others? Can regenerative medicine can be used to grow tooth? From: seattle, WAPosted On: August 8th, 2014 09:08AMWhich Tooth: top and lower dentures I priced denture implants in the US.and the price to remove 8 lower teeth,implant 6 pins on the bottom, and 6 on top, with impant dentures top and bottom. cost $55,000.00 the same thing in mexico, $8,000.00. I researched three different people who went to mexico, and got glowing reports.dentists here say that they are not goog dentists. well you be the judge $deduct $8000 from $55,000 which one can you afford ? I'm retired, which one do you think I'm going to do, I have no insurance that will pay for this.
UPPER denture
Amount: $3,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Kit McGuire From: Payson, AZPosted On: July 19th, 2014 11:07PMWhich Tooth: FULL upper I had to have all my upper teeth pulled due to massive infection and near death. Presently using a temporary plastic upper denture that flops around while eating anything. Permanent plate is to be coming the end of August 2014. I only have CareCredit with a $3,000.00 limit. I really hoped and wished for implants but I'm retired on a fixed income. Implants are NOT affordable to everyone as I always see advertised. I know there are grants but my dentist obviously opted to not go that route with me. I still dare not bite on or chew anything hard. Limited to soft foods only!
Reply to Roger C in Indianapolis, IN
Amount: $51,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: thebutlerdidit From: ATL, GAPosted On: May 27th, 2014 12:05AMWhich Tooth: All on 4s Roger,
swiss denture center - ANYONE HAVE INFO W/THEIR WORK
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: esdeelee I would love to know what office/doctor you used, and more info regarding your ceramics. Length of time you've had them, basic pros/cons, any breakdown of your costs for comparison. Thanks! From: PORTLAND, ORPosted On: May 23rd, 2014 04:05PMWhich Tooth: upper & lower 25 teeth age 69, petite & small-boned female. I bit into my fave 1/2 pound burger at Burgerville, only to chomp a small stone which broke my upper canine at the gumline,& created a vertical crack in an upper molar. Both teeth 'terminal'. Since the insurance co for the restaurant refused to step up, and Bville did not respond, the 8 to 15K to repair the broken teeth is mine to pay. My CONCLUSION: AT ALMOST 70, with shrinking bones, failing root-canals, the normal age-related loosening of teeth, I can play the "must keep my teeth game", or have all my teeth taken out. I am researching now as to Swiss Denture. Does anyone have any experience with their work?
Free dental work
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Trono From: Mt Kisco, NYPosted On: May 22nd, 2014 05:05PMWhich Tooth: All For those of you that can't afford to pay for a good dentist, you should find a dental school near you. You can get very smart college kids work on your teeth under the direct supervision of theyr teacher. They need to practice on real people before they get licensed
All-On-4 Fixed Bridge Upper Arch with Zirconia Teeth
Amount: $15,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Roger in CA From: Indianapolis, INPosted On: May 12th, 2014 12:05PMWhich Tooth: Upper Arch I had the All-On-4 implant procedure with fixed bridge done in April 2014 at a very good implant center in Indianapolis. I have 4 implants placed on the upper arch. I have a fixed, non-removable bridge screwed to the implants. This is NOT a removable overdenture., that you take out every night. It is removable only by a dentist once a year for maintenance. The teeth on the bridge are made of Zirconia, not the cheap acrylic teeth that some places try to sell you, and which wear down and require replacing in 5-7 years. The teeth and implants have a lifetime warranty. The price includes everything, including all follow-up visits. My local oral surgeon quoted $50,000 for the same procedure!! I did TONS of research and shopped around, and found an incredible price in the Midwest.
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