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CostHelper.com > Health & Personal Care > Dental Implants
Dental Implants Cost - Buyer Experiences and Price InformationDental Implants CommentsPage 6 of 13 - << Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next >> Need Dental implant/bone grapht Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: James Dalton From: Mission Hills, CAPosted On: December 5th, 2010 07:12PMWhich Tooth: 1 upper front i lost my tooth in a truck accident at the age of 14. i received a settlement that beings payment on 3/15/2011. i would like to know i anyone would be able to advise me in the type of bone grapht i should get, considering the cost and success rate, and if there are any differences in the quality of the actual implants themselves. i would prefer to get a tooth that will last me a lifetime for the best price. much appreciation
Dental implant
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: a user in Denver, CO.Posted On: December 4th, 2010 04:12PMWhich Tooth: Front upper # 9I hand the cap shattered and the tooth under the cap broken also. There is no enough surface of the natural tooth to cap it. The dentist suggested a bridge resulting in all three of my front teeth being bonded - the two supporting # 9. has any one had a front tooth implant?
Amount: $9,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Laura ramos From: miami, FLPosted On: December 4th, 2010 09:12AMWhich Tooth: 2 I went to the dentist and it going to cost me 9000, because I have to get some bone implant, but i also think that it is too much money...
dental implants
Amount: $40,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Rosalinda D. From: Santa Cruz, CAPosted On: November 24th, 2010 11:11AMWhich Tooth: all upper & lower The prosthodonists my husband saw yesterday will be charging $40,000 for all top & bottom implants, plus some bone grafting. Can someone with experience in this field let me know if the cost is reasonable?
Dental Implants
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Scott9961 From: Fort Wayne, INPosted On: November 19th, 2010 08:11AMWhich Tooth: various I am writing because I am inquiring for a friend who is in need. She has lost teeth since having her children. The pregnancy did a number on her teeth and she has lost about 5 or 6 and is considering having the rest removed and having conventional dentures. I would like to inquire about the procedure and find out why it is that the insurance industry considers having teeth to be a cosmetic situation? Don't they realize how important it is for people to have teeth beyond just giving them a nice smile? Even if it were just a 50% coverage would still be better than nothing
To Mary R. and Randy Barger
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Patrick Williams From: Port Orange, FLPosted On: November 13th, 2010 11:11PMWhich Tooth: all top and all bottom To Mary, definitive treatment of the kind you are looking for can be up to $100,000 or more, so the $24,000 is definetely in the ball park, especially if the goal is non-removable teeth. "Phasing" the treatment is also possible, get the full dentures and add implants over time to achieve the result you want, it may make it much more affordable that way. Ask your Doctors. To Randy, I dont know anything about Costa Rica, but understand that implants are not teeth. You may never be able to eat corn on the cob like real teeth again. Implant dentistry is a game of dental prosthetics with a small surgical component. Alot of biomechanics are involved which depend on the prosthesis and types of forces placed upon the implants and underlying bone. Cheaper treatment will likely involve keeping the existing denture (for cost reasons) and adding implants in the front areas of the jaw, mini (narrow diameter) implants typically cost 1/2 of full size implants. The final prosthesis will be removable, gum supported and implant supported. I have done cases like that for as little as $3800 (for mini's) and $10,000 (for full size implants). If you want teeth that are removable but do not rest on the gum at all, difficulty and price will go up. If you want teeth that never come out, price will usually go up even more. Hope this was helpful...good luck!
Dental Implants
Amount: $24,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Marie R. From: Houston, TXPosted On: November 12th, 2010 07:11AMWhich Tooth: all top teeth My husband has lost most of his back teeth, still has his front teeth. Clear Choice said they can remove the front teeth since they're deteriorating and put in the implants for all of his top teeth. They will also provide a bridge for a section of his bottom teeth. I have yet to see this amount listed as an out of pocket expense. Is it because my husband is having all of his top teeth done? Naturally Clear Choice offers a payment plan but the cost just seems so high. Any thoughts?
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Randy Barger From: Virginia Beach, VAPosted On: November 5th, 2010 10:11PMWhich Tooth: all bottom teeth I have Dentures now, the top ones are fine but the bottom ones I hate. It looks like I have no bottm teeth ,though I can eat anything I want peanuts corn on the cob. I hate the sound they make when you click your teeth.I have seen a dentist who does implants,he said I had plenty of bone,so the only thing stopping me is the exspence. with my credit rating I do not think I would qualiffy for a full bottom set.I am trying to find out what a bottom set would cost and what about having them done in Costa Rica. Please Advise
Dental Implants
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Patrick W. From: Port Orange, FLPosted On: October 27th, 2010 08:10PM This might be slightly off topic but I wanted to comment as a dentist practicing for 10 years. I tripped over this website and read everyone's comments. What a great thing for everyone to share their experiences with each other, I learned a lot from everyone. I have been placing implants for a few years now and I have enjoyed the gift that this treatment can give people who are debilitated with dentures. Costs are high and treatment can be long for both the dentist and patient for sure. Many posts about prices are about right on average fees for this type of stuff. The driving force behind what should be done is a delicate balance between meeting the patients needs, what is possible physiologically and prosthetically and what has the best chance for success.... all within the patients budget. There are many great options out there and I suggest you don't rush into treatment before careful consideration of risks/benefits for everyone involved. Nothing beats having a great rapport with your dentist, but a general guide I could suggest is look for dentists who are credentialed as "Fellows" or "Diplomates" of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) and/or the International College of Oral Implantologists (ICOI). Dentists spend lots of money and time on training/research/cases/written and oral board exams achieving these credentials. Skill level/training may vary greatly, don't be afraid to ask for credentials or ask to speak with patients who have had that procedure done by that Dr. or look at before & after photos to help you in your decision process. Again, having a dentist that you have a good rapport with that you know cares about YOU is the best predictor for success in my opinion. Good Luck to you all and thanks for sharing your thoughts. To the person who said do what you can to keep your original teeth, you are right on!
Amount: $3,500.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Sam101 From: Lake Mary, FLPosted On: October 27th, 2010 06:10PMWhich Tooth: 5 Unlike most people who are looking for the cheapest service available, when it comes to health care service, especially implant that goes into my body, I rather choose professional whom I am comfortable talking to, who would take care of me if there is any complication arises.
dental procedures are suggestive
Amount: $8,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Got ripped off I had root canal/crown done tooth #5, then about seven years later, I had an infection. The tooth had to be removed. I did extensive research and went to Dr. Jennifer Nguyen in Lake Mary, Florida. I had the tooth removed, bone graft. Then 5 months later, they placed an implant with the crown on one visit. Everything done in one office, I did not have to go to one office for the implant, then another one for the abutment and the crown. The caring is excellent and I feel it was well worth what I paid for. From: Cherry Hill, NJPosted On: October 14th, 2010 06:10AMWhich Tooth: all natural teeth A former dentist told me that "most dental procedures are suggestive". What I realized is that there are crooks in every walks of life.
Delta Dental should cover damage done by their bad dentists!
Amount: $1,850.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: browneyedgirl Dentists too lazy and too uncaring, will tell their patients to extract their teeth. Best option is to go to a general dentist who has no financial incentives in extracting, doing prosthesys or dental implants before considering any procedures. Watch out for Dentists who's goal is to simply make a lot of money at any emotional cost to their patients. Also beware of dentists who will not give you an estimate of how your dental work and plan will cost. I got nothing but pain and remorse in exchange after having spent over $8,000 in expenses. Keep as many of your natural teeth as you can. Don't forget, the dentist makes money by removing your teeth. From: Saint Paul, MNPosted On: October 11th, 2010 12:10AMWhich Tooth: #7 I went to a complete hack of a dentist, and she said I needed a root canal. When I returned for the root canal, she did not have an assistant, she didn't use a dental dam, and had me cranked down so low in the chair I was nearly standing on my head, she HAMMERED on my mouth, and drilled the hole for the root canal on a bias. She burned my mouth with bleach, told me to "calm down" when I yelled, slapped at her hand, and started crying because of the pain of the bleach. She did not supply me pain meds for when the pain killers used for the procedure wore off. She also broke through my gum and there was a hole where a dental hygenist said he could look in and see the root. Gutta percha was extruding from the wound. Needless to say, I didn't go back to this landslide. I called Delta Dental, filed a complaint, and also filed a complaint with the MN Dental Association. She was reprimanded and ordered to go back to school. Meanwhile, I was following Delta Dental's instructions to the letter. Somewhere in the year and six month since the root canal, suddenly, Delta wasn't going to cover the implant that the endodontist THEY sent me to said I was going to need. I had already had the extraction, repair to the hole in my gum and two surgeries to remove the hideous root canal, the second of which I wasn't charged for as he found infected Gutta Percha he had missed the first time. I fought with Delta, and filed a complaint against them with the Insurance board in MN. Nothing has happened. I have the post set, I have my horrible "flipper" denture, and I am determined that I will get my implant no matter what, so I can get this daily reminder of a horrible day at a horrible dentist out of my mouth and get back to normal.
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Tino From: winnemucca, NVPosted On: October 10th, 2010 05:10PMWhich Tooth: none I didn't have implants put in..........why..........because I simply can't afford it.........and my insurance won't cover it! All the money I pay into my insurance company.....and they won't cover it!
Impants are a need not a want
Amount: $15.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Protected Citizen of the state,....?I Think Insurance companies are rip offs! From: manhattan, NYPosted On: October 10th, 2010 02:10PMWhich Tooth: 3UR,2LR,3UL,2LL I just had temporary dentures put in and can not believe any dentist could suggest dentures to anymore no matter their age. Attemting to converse with others with this foreign object in your mouth is emotinally and mentally draining. It can and will effect ones sense of confidence.Are implants being made for only those who have the financial means to afford the cost of its procedures. If proper dental hygeine was proven to be related to good overall health of a person, why do must insurances not cover the cost of implants/restoration of ones mouth?...maybe this is a question we all need to ask our elected officials,
4 implants
Amount: $13,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Ron B From: Columbus, INPosted On: October 7th, 2010 05:10PMWhich Tooth: 11-12-20-21 Had 2 upper and 2 lower implants done today and it took about 1 hr. Not that much pain. Had to have a bone graft done on upper and lower back in May and it was painful as i had bone fragments removed from my accident that knocked out my teeth. Anthem insurance thinks it is not necessary to have teeth even if it was a accident. Still have to have crowns in 3-4 months. My Dr. said I could fix it right with implants or patch it with bridges. I think I made the right choice.
Needing work done
Amount: $2,400.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Shonda From: Fort Worth, TXPosted On: October 6th, 2010 09:10PMWhich Tooth: Two top front and four lower bottom About 10 years ago the military pulled my top two front teeth and my four front lower teeth. I have been living with partials ever since then. I'm now replacing the partial because the others were old and falling apart. These new partials are costing me 2400 dollars. I'm 34 years old and need to get implants. Partials are no better that dentures. Since I saved a couple years for the replacement partials, the implants are going to take longer for me to save for because of the cost. Need to find a good dentist the will work with me as far as cost for the implants.
dental implant
Amount: $5,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: poor fellow From: edison, NJPosted On: October 5th, 2010 02:10PMWhich Tooth: upper front My prosthodontist charged me 2300 for bone graft, 700 for temp denture and 2000 for implant.I don't know is it reasonable?
Amount: $1,900.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Smiling Bob From: Louisville, KYPosted On: October 2nd, 2010 09:10AMWhich Tooth: 9 Implant surgery, abutment and Emax crown in 2 appointments. Implant surgery took about 30 minutes and I came back in 6 mo for final impression and they made the abutment and crown in about and hour while a waited. Great job Dr. Long!
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Bigsmit From: Columbus, OHPosted On: September 30th, 2010 03:09AMWhich Tooth: All I am 57 yrs. of age with a considerable amount of tooth lost. I am hoping for a full tooth restoration through implants, if I can afford the out of pocket cost. I have two insurance plans, blue cross blue shield which doesn't cover much of any dental work cost. I recently enrolled in Medlife Dental Plan which appears to provide for eighty percent of mostly of whatever I have done. I am in the Columbus, Ohio area and thought about checking with OSU Dental Staff which maybe my best choice. If anyone knows of an affordable and quality dental service you could refer to me, I would be deeply appreciative. I would love to smile again without being ashame of my awlful looking teeth.
Dental Implant
Amount: $3,400.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Sandina From: Bridgewater, NJPosted On: September 22nd, 2010 04:09PMWhich Tooth: Right Lower Just had it done today. Spent 850.00 for bone graft, 250.00 for cat scan to guide dentist (so he doesn't hit a nerve and permanently lose feeling in my mouth), 2300.00 for post to be put in under local anesthesia. Crown will go on in about five months.
Amount: $5,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: wish I hadn't done it From: Seminole, FLPosted On: September 21st, 2010 04:09AM Anyone considering the purchase of dentures should re-evaluate their motives. The selling point of dentures is the notion that you will become more confident with your smile and overall dental health. However, smiling and confidence mean nothing when you have a foreign object in your mouth that not only looks ridiculous but most likely will push you to the brink of insanity due to the absolute uncomfortable nature of these things. If your teeth are anywhere near reparable, spend the money. If your teeth are not salvageable, still, DO NOT have them pulled. Your dentist will of course insist that this is the best course of action for you. Well, your dentist may have gone to school for years, but he/she has no clue what it actually feels like to have plastic shoved in your mouth. The soft lining in the dentures absorbs whatever liquid that you imbibe, and eating anything simply feels, well, foreign, so totally expect to lose a ton of weight. Do you ever want to get intimate with your significant other again? Forget about kissing, and for that matter, forget about talking as well. The rear part of the upper denture will fall no matter how good the fitting is, and your voice will have that tinny, hollow old guy sound to it. Trust me, it is a poor decision to have dentures installed - take out a second mortgage for implants if you have to, but DO NOT get dentures! I wish I could take it back and find myself daydreaming about what it was like to have teeth. If I had it to do over again, I would have just let what teeth I had rot out, as I would have had my sanity and confidence regardless of how my teeth looked. Once you have dentures, all you do is think about them being in your mouth. STOP! DO NOT DO IT!!!!
Need an implant
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: SMG From: Hamilton, OHPosted On: September 20th, 2010 08:09AMWhich Tooth: Full mouth Is there any insurance that would cover any amount for the implants? I am low income and was born with bad gums and teeth and my parents couldn't get them taken care of when I was younger and now I am paying the price for it. I don't like to smile at all because of it and it didn't matter how much I brushed my teeth, my teeth still went bad. A lot had to do with I was tongue tied from birth and I had that surgery last year but since then my teeth have literally gone down the drain. Does anyone know anyway to help besides paying 30,000 plus for teeth. I don't even own anything that is 10,000 let a lone 30,000.
upper dentyures/implants/ or other
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Not Mr. ED From: elk grove, CAPosted On: September 15th, 2010 05:09PM My gums are so bad it is time to consider having my upper teeth pulled and have 3 options put in fromt of me. My periodontist tells me the roof of my mouth is flat,therefore,I might not be a good candidate for dentures. I just saw my dentist (who took x-rays,yet again). This Dds. doesn't think the roof of my mouth is not flat. Already,I don't trust either one. This is worse that bying a car. These Dr. speak a different language than me and it is clear that our priority's are different. Any suggestions,any advice. Thanks,lou
Delta Dental and Implants
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Killigrew From: Houston, TXPosted On: September 15th, 2010 03:09PMWhich Tooth: upper left A dentist in Massachusettes lobbied for implants and now Delta Dental of Massachusettes offers coverage. I know Delta Dental of Texas does not. It is terribly wrong to consider such "cosmetic". Dental insurance procedures have not been updated since the 1960s. We really need a voice to lobby for us. I can understand why there are those without teeth because they cannot afford to replace them. It is getting ludicrous.
Implant , bone graft, extraction of tooth
Amount: $3,205.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Mitchs Mouth From: Jacksonville, FLPosted On: September 14th, 2010 02:09PMWhich Tooth: # 7 Delta dental paid $ 188.00
Can't wait to smile again!!!
Amount: $2,586.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Sam83 Welcome to the commercial system Have a nice day , From: Lynnwood, WAPosted On: September 8th, 2010 07:09PMWhich Tooth: #7 Lateral Incisor Damaged and eventually broke off my #7 tooth in a series of accidents (Skateboarding, elbow to the mouth, etc. etc.) and decided I needed an implant. My insurance covered 80 percent of the cost of the extraction of the root and anesthesia, but did not cover the implant as it is considered "cosmetic". The total, not including the crown, came out to be roughly 3200. The crown should put the total cost at slightly over 4000. The procedure itself was quick and there was little to no pain afterwards. The hardest part was dealing with the anesthesia, but from what I hear, everyone reacts differently to it. GOOD LUCK!
Amount: $0.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: IgnorantAboutDentistry From: Los Angeles, CAPosted On: September 7th, 2010 09:09PMWhich Tooth: Upper #14 Was advised to have one tooth extracted, implant placed, and a crown installed eventually. Got quotes that range from $3,000 to $8,400. Don't know what to do yet.
Amount: $6,549.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Trish K. From: Harrisonburg, VAPosted On: August 26th, 2010 10:08AMWhich Tooth: 26,23 I started in January with the whole procedure. I have had an upper denture for many years and that was replaced. I only had 3 teeth left on the bottom, they were extracted and new denture made for bottom. They placed 2 titanium implants on bottom. They did an excellent job and I am very pleased with the outcome. My last procedure was 2 weeks ago and I have a beautiful full set of teeth that enables me to finally smile again after many years!!
Dental Implants/Work
Amount: $14,000.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Misty B. The breakdown is as follows: Consultation- $63.00 Upper Denture- $1265.00 Lower Denture- $1265.00 Analgesia- $63.00 Surgical Extraction- $253.00 Simple Extraction-x2 $448.00 Placement Implant- #26 $1843.00 Placement Implant- #23 $1843.00 Abutment Placement- #26 $253.00 Abutment Placement- #23 $253.00 TOTAL: $7549.00 Total Cost of Implants: 7549.00 How much Insurance Paid: 1000.00 The way I feel, smile and generally feel wonderful: PRICELESS !!! Good luck to anyone having this work done. It's sounds scary, but not as bad as I thought it would be and SO worth it. Went to Mountain View Dental in Harrisonburg, VA A great bunch !!! From: Kfar Saba, OtherPosted On: August 18th, 2010 01:08PMWhich Tooth: all bottom I just received my final quote today for the work I need done, goes like this..
Extractions &Implants
Amount: $6,750.00 not covered by insurancePosted by: Ed in WP 13 extractions(4 wisdom) mostly bottom, 2 root canals on top with 3 crown fixed(same day temp, and perm in 1-3 month) bridge to go in place, 5-6 top of the line implants(same day)temp bridge? and perm in around 3 months depending on healing. the original price was around 70, 474.00 shekels(18,670.00 dollars) but since dentist is a friend of a friend I am paying everything including anesthesia 53,000.00 shekels(14,000.00 dollars) by one of the top dentists here in Israel. I would strongly suggest if you can have all money at once to try a dental tourism plan, the prices I see from America make me cringe and you could save thousands for same or better work and materials. From: Scarsdale, NYPosted On: August 12th, 2010 05:08AM I had two extractions &three posts implanted,general anasthesia and xrays for a total so far of $6750.00
Dentures will be done by another dentist Page 6 of 13 - << Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next >> |
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